The Incident

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After I got done with mom and Jackson I left the conference room to see Amelia waiting for me in the chairs that lined the hall. As soon as she saw me come out she stood and crossed her arms. I knew I was in trouble but let's see how I get out of it.

" Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you had a surgery." I said hoping she indeed did have one and I could sided track her with it. 

" Oh no, It's not till later. I just got done with checking on my patients and decided to wait for you. So what did Jackson mean earlier?" She looked at me with confusion.

" Oh, that well it's nothing really. Just that when mom called me agirlpickedupmyphone." I said rushing the last part, knowing that if she heard me it would lead to an argument.

" What was that last part? " She looked at me with a knowing look. Her head tilted to the side awaiting for my response. I just decided to come out with it, the worse she could do is be mad at me for a little bit. Especially if I follow up with the news I was just given.

" Okay, So a girl may have picked up my phone when my mom called the other day. And before you ask, yes we slept together. It was a one nightstand. Okay?" After I told her she stood there for a minute and then walked away down the hall. I knew it was best to just let her go cool down. 

A minute later Jackson comes out the room and the look on his face tells me he heard and possibly saw everything. Not wanting to talk about it, I asked him if he wanted to get food. Of course he said yes, so we headed down to the cafeteria. On the way down he had texted his friends to see if they wanted to join us. The amount of people who said yes surprised me, because these are doctors in a hospital, how are all of them free? Anyway we went to the cafe and got in line to get our food. I got me a strawberry milkshake and a burger and fries. Jackson got himself a salad. Seeing that I had to mess with him a bit. There's nothing wrong with a salad but I just love messing with my brother.

" Watching your figure?" I say so offhandedly, an outsider would've thought I was genuine. However the sarcasm was not lost on Jackson. 

" Look at me and tell me if you think I need it." He said as we walked to the table where everyone was already sitting.

I gave him a once over and then said " You could use some work. Remind me to take you to the gym with me." Once I said that he pushed me.

" Whatever hoe." He muttered as we sat down.

I was seated between some guy and girl. Once I was seated, Meredith introduced me to everyone. So I found out I was seated between Alex Karev and Jo Wilson. Besides them at the table was, Maggie Pierce, Andrew Deluca and Callie Torres. When Meredith introduced Callie to me, I about choked on my food because how big of a fan of her I am. See when I was younger I wanted to be an orthopedic surgeon. I was on track for it too. Until I met Amelia and she showed me her love for the brain and I fell in love with it too, but when I was on the ortho track Callie was my idol. Hell she still is.  When I spewed all this out to Callie she was so humble. So we can talk more Alex and her switched seats. 

While eating and talking with Callie in our own like bubble, I heard the cafe doors slam open and someone yell my name. All of us at the table turned our head and saw that it was Derek. Jackson and I shared a quick look before I got up to deal with this.

" You looking for me Derek?" I asked calmly as I approached him.

" You fucking bitch. You think you can do this to me? I made this hospital what it is. My wife's name is on the hospital, so is my bestfriend.  So you think you can take my place as head of neuro? I am on the fucking board, this will not stand." He started yelling at me in my face. Thanks to Catherine, I am able to keep my cool in public. She always said be strong in public and breakdown in private. 

" Hey Derek lets go somewhere and talk about this. There's patients here and this isn't the best way to go about this. " I said trying to get him to realize our surroundings.  This would be a PR nightmare if people start recording.

" You want to go somewhere? So you can feed me some more bullshit? Yea lets go somewhere else. I can't wait to hear the lies." After he said that I turned around to go back to the table and grab my stuff. 

 I get to the table and tell everyone a quick goodbye. Before I leave Meredith grabs my hand and says sorry. Then all of a sudden I feel something hit the side of my head. As I stumble and hear Derek screaming at me. I then realize what it was, He fucking sucker punched me in my ear. After that I saw red and tackled him to the ground. I got on top of him and started pummeling him in the face. I felt something trickle down my head but kept going. That was until Jackson, Alex and Callie pulled me off of him. After that I was pushed out of the cafe. Then I guess from the adrenaline pouring out of my body, I blacked out.

I hate it here already man.

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