I like the sound of that

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As we walked off the elevator and down the halls to the conference room, I noticed we got a lot of stares and whispers. Once we got to the room door, I held the door open for mom and walked in after her, laughing as Jackson had to catch the quickly closing door. That antic earned me a shove from Jackson. After I caught my balance, I quickly turned around and punched him in the arm. Which led to us tussling and me having Jackson in a triangle choke.

"Come on tap out for me pretty boy." I loved calling him pretty boy. He hates it but it's how he acts. Growing up I did wrestling and boxing. I tried to get him to join but he was to worried about his face and that's where the nickname comes from.

" Y/N Hamilton and Jackson Avery, I know yall are not fight in my conference room right now! " As soon as I heard that I let him go. No need to continue any way since I definitely won.

" She started ma." Of course pretty boy is ratting me out.

" I don't want to hear it Jackson. Now y'all sit and so we can get to business." As I sat down I had to get a word out.

" Ma did you see how good I had him. If you didn't stop us, he would have tapped out. I wasn't even putting pressure on him really." I saw her smile creep on her face.

" She did have you pretty good." As soon as she said that we both started laughing while Jackson look mad.

" Hahaha, so funny. Now can we start, I still have patients to take care of." After he said that mom's face dropped.

" Well Y/n we wanted to talk about you becoming the head of neuro here at Grey Sloan. Well, co-head of neuro with Amelia Shepherd. I have all the paperwork here that has all the legalities on it. Any questions?" She said as she slid over the paperwork. Looking at me like she knew I was going to say yes.

" Actually a few. What about my travel surgeries and my patients in New York? Also how am I supposed to just move here. I have plenty of thing at home. Oh and lets not forget DEREK SHEPHERD IS CO-HEAD OF NEURO. That man already hates me, after this I wouldn't be surprised if he had a psychotic break. " I kinda lost it at them. They just sprung this on me.

" Listen I'm not afraid of the man but I'm trying to at least be decent to him since I have a thing with his baby sister. This isn't decent."

" Hey listen sis you deserve this. Look ma I know I'm not supposed to say this since this is a business meeting" He turns to mom and looks for permission, which she gives. "But he already dug his own grave. He was fucking up, a lot. So fuck Derek Shepherd and take the damn job. Plus everyone you love is here so there's that." After his little rant he handed me a pen with a knowing look.

I take the pen from him and look at him and mom. He's right all of my family is here. There's no one back in New York that's keeping me there. I look down at the papers and start to sign.

Doctor Hamilton, Co- head of neurology at Grey Sloan. I like the sound of that.

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