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"Fuck." I groan as I trip over my feet.
"You're so drunk baby." Abigail giggles into my ear. I groan and push her off of me, finding a near by stool to sit on.
"You aren't there mate?" The bartender asks me.
"No." I mumble laying my head down.
"Here." He says pushing some pills and a bottle of water my way.
"Advil. Take 3. Trust me mate. It works quicker then you think." He says then turns around to help some man. I grunt and take the pills, chugging the water down. After a moment I get up to go find Abby so we can leave. I don't know why I even agreed to go with her. When I turn around I wasn't prepared for what I saw. I walked right over to them and ripped him away from her.
"What the fuck do you think your doing?" I spat out.
"Dude calm the hell down! She came into me! I swear. You can even ask my mates!" He shouts pointing to two guys standing by the side.
"He's telling the truth." One of them shouts over the music.

I don't see why I was ever with Abby. After she changed, I didn't care for her. She used to be this shy, but amazing girl. We grew up together. But then she became pretty much a slut. Started dressing like one, acting like one, and partying like one.

"Come on Cal. We both know you still need me." She mumbles into my ear.
"Get the fuck out." I growl at her. She laughs lightly and walks around the room and stops in front of a picture of Daisie and I.
"Such a pretty picture." She mumbles then knocks it over, causing the frame to break.
"Oops." She says turning towards me.
"Out now!" I shout at her. She ignores me and makes her way over to me.
"Oh Calum." She whispers before smashing her lips to mine. I try to push her off but can't. When the hell did she get so fucking strong?
"Abby stop. This isn't you." I grunt against her lips. I hear the front door open and a car beep signaling Daisies home.
"Abby I'm serious." I get out as she kissed me harder. My heart literally drops to my ass when I hear the bedroom door open and a gasp comes out of her lips. I didn't even get away from Abby's grip on me quick enough to catch her.
"Thanks a fucking lot you bitch. Get out. Get the hell out!" I shout as I grab my keys and push her out the door driving to the only place I know Dais would go. Ashtons.

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