***Patrick Mahomes***

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Title: The Little Crush
Warnings: None


Patrick was wondering the Chiefs sideline. The kickoff was about to happen in a few minutes, so he was mentally preparing himself for the game. It was a Thursday night game at that, which made the atmosphere around him more intense than normal.

He noticed a familiar face standing by the end zone on his right. He watched them for a second and grinned when he saw them throwing the ball back and forth to fans in the stands.

Your arm strength surprised him and he knew he had to go over and compliment it. It was the only good excuse he had to talk to you, and it was a damn good excuse at that because you really did have talent.

The secret was that Patrick Mahomes had a crush on you. It wasn't such a secret amongst his closest friends, but it was a secret he hadn't allowed to slip to the world just yet.

Patrick had had eyes for you for quite some time, but had never acted on his feelings. You made the amazing Patrick Mahomes nervous and the best part was that you had not the slightest clue that he fancied you. Even if someone were to tell you that, you wouldn't believe them. You probably wouldn't believe Patrick himself if he came up to you and confessed his feelings.

This was his chance to approach you and spark up a conversation with you, something he had never done. You had mentioned him in interviews before, but he had avoided saying anything about you in fear of someone guessing he had a crush on you. So he had kept his lips sealed and pretended like he didn't know you existed.

His throat felt tight as he grew closer. Your back was to him, so you didn't see him until he came into your line of vision. You caught sight of him out of the corner of your right eye and immediately turned to see who it was.

You were surprised to see Patrick Mahomes standing there with a small smile on his face and his hands shoved in his hand warmer. You shyly smiled back and quickly excused yourself for a moment.

You swiftly scurried over to the edge of the field and handed the ball to a teenage boy, telling him to keep it before you returned to Patrick.

"You've almost got a better arm than me." He spoke first and your face grew warm at the compliment.

You breathlessly laughed and shook your head. "Nowhere near it, actually. You're incredible."

"Thank you." He dipped his head in thanks before lifting it back up and speaking again. "You're (Y/n) Bosa, right?"

Of course he knew who you were, but he wasn't going to be rude. He was a gentleman.

You nodded towards the Chargers sideline. "Yep. That's me. I'm here to support Joey. I was in Cincinnati a few days ago with Nick."

"I'm Patrick, but I'm guessing you already know that..." he introduced himself with his own shy smile. "It's nice to meet you. Your brothers are phenomenal. Don't tell them I told you this, but they intimidate me."

You smiled and cast a glance over at your big brother's team. "I can't make any promises that it won't slip over dinner."

"I won't blame you if it does." He laughed.

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