:::Jimmy Garoppollo:::

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Title: The Blanket Theft
Warnings: None


He had done it again, for a third night in a row.

Shivering and half asleep, you had reached up to grab the covers and pull them back over you, but your hands only found your chest...where the blankets should have been.

You groggily blinked your eyes open and met the darkness of your room. Realization of what had happened yet again hit you and you groaned, turning to bury your face in your pillow.

After nearly suffocating yourself for a few seconds, you twisted your mid section to look over your shoulder at your sleeping boyfriend.

His exposed back was facing you and soft snores were emitting from his peaceful frame. Any other time, you probably would have sat up and gotten a better look at his gorgeous face. You maybe even would have awed and admired him for a few minutes, but not now. Not after he had stolen the blankets and left you to freeze to death for three nights in a row.

You rolled over to face his back and grabbed him by his shoulder. You began to lightly shake him, knowing he was a heavy sleeper.

"Jimmy." You called into the dark, leaning closer to his ear. "Jimmy, baby, wake up."

It only took a few more shakes before you heard a deep groan from him. You thought he had woken up, but you were mistaken. He was still asleep.

"Jimmy Garoppollo." You said louder, shaking him a bit harder.

Finally, his body jolted awake under your touch and he turned his head, exposing the right side of his face to you. "Hm?"

"You stole the blankets again." You whispered, sliding your hand down his arm to grab the blanket he had taken from you.

He made another sound and went still again. He had loosened his hold on the blankets a little bit, but he was still too deep in a half sleep state to realize that his grip was still tight.

You sighed, but a sleepy grin formed as you got close to his ear again. "Can I please have some? I'm freezing." You whispered and this time, he completely let go of the blankets and allowed you to take however many you wanted.

"M'sorry." He mumbled. You assured him that it was okay with a small kiss to the nape of his neck.

You collected your blankets and rolled back over, wrapping yourself in the warmth of the blankets. They were twice as warm as usual because of all the the body heat they absorbed from Jimmy. The man stayed abnormally warmer than most people.

You closed your eyes and went back to sleep, making sure to keep your hold tight on the blankets.

*a time skip as little as Baker Mayfield's adorable tooth gap*

This time you caught him in the act. You didn't wake up after he had taken them this time. This time, you woke up as he was pulling them off of you.

Despite your tiredness and the fact that your strength hadn't built up yet, you tightly gripped the blanket and refused to let him take it.

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