🕸 Nick Bosa 🕸

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Title: Got It Wrong, Need To Get It Right
Warnings: None


It's a normal day for you and the 49ers player; wrapped up in blankets and laid back on his couch. The newest episode of the show you two are watching is playing on the tv. You're paying attention, but you know Nick isn't.

He's seemed like something had been bothering him since you stepped into the house. He was the one who had invited you over in the first place, yet he hadn't said much of anything. It was odd behavior from him. Usually he was impossible to shut up after his mouth opened for the first time. Today was different.

You feel his eyes on you and that's what makes you snap. Grabbing the remote, you pause the show and adjust your body to face him. "What?" You ask, holding eye contact with him. Neither of you have any emotion on your faces, until his features twist into confusion when you question him.

"I can feel that you want to say something," you answer vocally, unlike the defensive end. "Tell me whats on your mind. You've got my attention."

His chest rises as he takes a deep breath, gathering his words. "My dad is throwing this party on Saturday. He has this annual Halloween party he hosts every year with family and close friends and I wanted to invite you as my special guest."

"You only get to pick one guest?" You've never heard anything about these yearly parties, so you have questions.

He nods, nervously chewing on the inside of his cheek. "Yeah. I've never uh..." Pink floods his face and he averts his gaze to his lap. "I've never invited anyone until now and I'm really hoping you'll—you'll go with me."

A laugh—a sound that at any other time would be amazing for Nick to hear—bubbles from your throat and has the dirty blond looking back to you with panic. "Are you really that nervous that I'll say no?"

"I'm not nervous," he rushes out, suddenly defensive. He sits up straighter, puffing out his chest and squaring his shoulders to cover up his nerves.

He can't fool you. He never has been able to. You grin, reaching over to grab his hand, sliding your fingers between his. "You're stuttering, Nick. There's no reason for you to, because I'm going with you."

The football player's mood does a 180. His eyes light up and a small, hopeful smile replaces the anxious lip biting. "Really?" You nod and waves of excitement wash off of him. The change is electric.

"I've never seen you this excited," you say just before you're wrapped up in a tight hug. The angle is awkward because you're both sitting on the couch, but it's perfect nonetheless.

"I'd pick you up, but my parents always need me and my brother to stay the night to help set up everything," he explains once he lets go. "You can manage without me, right?"

You roll your eyes at his worrying and nod, a reassuring expression on your face. "I'll be fine, Nick. I just have one question."

He arches a brow, your green light to ask. "Is this a costume party?"

The answer doesn't come out vocally. The wide, closed mouth smile that paints his face is all the answer you need. You tilt your head to the side, mirroring the smile, because you know the answer, though he won't tell you.

"Can't wait to see you in costume," you whisper, mind venturing to places it's been many times before.

jump to Saturday night at the Bosa home•

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