||| Justin Jefferson |||

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Title: Playlist to My Heart
Warnings: None


Justin knew the moment he met you that he was screwed. He wasn't normally one to accept defeat, but he would be stupid to try to fight the feelings he gained for you when he saw you for the first time.

LSU was where he had met you and you had been by his side ever since then. You had seen him at his worse and you had seen him at his best— you stuck by his side through it all. And he grew to deeply love you in the years that you had been friends. In fact, his love for you grew every day.

He had found the love of his life and he had no intentions of losing her. There was only one small problem: you had no idea.

While you didn't know that, he didn't know that you were dealing with the same problem. You loved him and wanted to be his lover, but he didn't know that.

The two of you weren't very obvious about your feelings when you were around each other. You both made sure to draw the line at friends, and nothing more than friends. Though you both wanted more.

That was exactly why you were both suffering in silence because neither of you had any idea that the other was deeply in love with you. Your friends couldn't even joke about your love for each other being obvious, because you didn't make it obvious. You and Justin were that strict about keeping it friendly and not romantic in fear of ruining your perfect relationship.

Ja'Marr didn't get to see Justin much anymore. With Justin being on the Vikings, and Ja'Marr being on the Bengals, they were usually too busy to hang out like they used to at LSU.

They had found a day though and now they were both chilling on Justin's couch. Ja'Marr had wanted you to come along since he didn't get to see you a lot anymore, but you had some stuff to take care of, so you couldn't join.

Though it made Ja'Marr upset, it did bring him a smile. Now he had Justin alone, which meant he could bother him the feelings the older was dancing around. And the perfect moment came when you called Justin.

As soon as Justin hung up, Ja'Marr nudged him. "You should ask her out, man."

At first Justin was surprised by the blunt statement, but then he fell back into the cushion and sighed in defeat. "What if she rejects me?"

Ja'Marr shrugged, "Then she rejects you. You keep yourself collected and cry about it later."

Justin turned his head and glared, "You aren't helping."

"Okay, okay, I'm almost positive that she won't reject you," Ja'Marr replied. "About 86% sure she won't."

The older rolled his eyes at how sure and unsure his friend sounded. "I don't wanna ruin what we have, Ja'Marr. That's my girl and she's my only girl and I can't risk losing her."

Ja'Marr twisted his body so that he was facing Justin. "You can still be friends even if she turns you down. Nowhere says that you can't still be friends."

"But what if she doesn't want to be friends anymore?" Justin asked. "What if me asking her out makes things weird and she doesn't want to see me anymore?"

Ja'Marr shook his head. "She isn't like that. She cares about you too much."

"Do you think she likes me?"

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