-- Nick Bosa --

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Title: By My Side
Warnings: Drinking, mention of a shit date, vomiting, and a bad hangover


It was like any other normal day for Nick. He had attended practice, grabbed lunch with the boys, and come home to your shared apartment, expecting to find you on the couch ready to watch more of the show you had started over the weekend.

Upon arriving home, he found that you weren't there, which threw him off a bit, but not enough to mess with his routine. He took his place on the couch, assuming you were likely doing a few things around the apartment before you were to join him.

That wasn't the case though. He recognizes the pattern of your footsteps coming down the hall and he turns, his heart immediately catching in his throat when he sees you. And you are definitely not wearing lounging clothes.

"Where are you going?" He asks, eyeing you from your feet to your hair, mouth open and eyes big and full of questions.

You're used to your best friend watching you, but this is different. You feel shy under his intense and curious gaze. Your hands smooth over your (dress/clothes) nervously, yet you manage to put on and shoot a smile his way.

"Mind your business, dork," you answer, walking by the couch towards the kitchen. Nick nearly breaks his neck to keep from tearing his eyes from you. His body can't move fast enough and he hurries to get to his feet so he can follow you.

"No, seriously, where are you going dressed like that?" He repeats, eyes drinking in how breathtaking you look all dressed up. It's been a while since he's seen you wearing clothes like this and it's doing things to him.

Your brows tightly draw together in offense to his tone and you turn to regard him. "On a date."

He jerks back like your words struck him, an odd response from him. Before you can ask him about it, he ask in a way that showcases his disbelief, "You have a date?"

A mixture of hurt and annoyance fill you. "Yeah, I have a date," you snap, narrowing your eyes at him, unable to believe his reaction. "What, do I not seem like someone who can get a date?"

His eyes double in size, mouth opening to speak, before he lets out a sigh, body deflating. He had almost said something really stupid. Well, he had two things he wanted to say, and one of them was something you never say to a woman—those words being 'calm down'—while the other could ruin everything.

"You know I didn't mean it like that," he speaks softly, putting water on the flames that you'd sparked. "I just...it's been a long week, for both of us, and I think you should stay home. Relax." He gives you his best, lazy lopsided grin. "Spend some time with me since we haven't seen each other much this week."

Any other day, you would have dropped everything and fallen right into his arms, but this was the first date you had had in months. You would have been insane to turn it down, even if your heart longed for the man in front of you that you couldn't have.

"I'll spend all day with you tomorrow, but I promised Richie I'd go out with him tonight," you explain, grinning apologetically.

He freezes. The chill, relaxed Nick Bosa you know vanishes in the blink of an eye. His jaw goes taught and his muscles tense. That beautiful light green color of his eyes you love darkens dangerously. Everything about him changes, even the air surrounding him.

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