Chapter 12: You can trust me

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She picked up a glowing green bunny plush looking into it's glitchy fabric at this point her brain scramble to process what she was looking at. On one hand her eyes told her that what she was looking at was fiction an artificial cartoonish glitchy small bunny plush meanwhile her hands felt the sensation of something warm and slowly beating like holding a newborn child. Everything felt so real and yet looked visually as unrealistic as it could without being ridiculous. She took the plushy up to her face and squinted at it, "Hello?"
She expected maybe a clear response back, but nothing just distant whispering and the sound of static. Suddenly a prompt came up explaining what the objective of the game was finally, collect four items. She already collected one out of four apparently and she looked at the black silhouettes of what she needed to collect, she suddenly realized what she was doing. "Oh absolutely no fucking way am I doing that I might've goofed up a little bit, but I'm not this stupid!"
The silhouettes were very obvious to her, one was Vanny's mask from the Halloween update and other one was the clear outline of a vhs tape. She didn't need to recognize the last thing, a strange mechanical box, to make her decision. As she was about to throw the plush like a football, she finally heard the echoing voice in her head, "Well hello to you too. Come on, let's not get too hasty, I'm your friend." She nearly dropped the plushy in shock, but instead she took a deep breath and looked the plushy straight in the face, "You are like the AI copy of a child serial killer. I don't know why this crazy bitch think she's Vanny and some how is trapping me in a video game, but I know enough about this franchise to know that if I want to survive this game, so I can free myself, listening to you will give me the worst ending possible. So thanks, but no thanks."
She put the plushy down and made her way out of there gift shop. But as she does the voice continued as if it was still right next to her, "I see you were still in denial of your new reality. Let's start with the severity of the situation, if you didn't know or you've simply not noticed, there's a bit of a timer. I would check the clock if I were you." She turned her head to a digital clock that was on the wall and after staring at it for a few minutes, she toke a moment to realize that it wasn't going forward, it was counting down. 48:35... 48:34... 48:33... 48:32...
"What happens when it reaches zero?" She says not moving her eye off the clock. 48:05... 48:04.. 48:02... 48:01... "That Vanessa girl will snap your neck. I think my time with her is coming to an end, she's awfully... sloppy. Since you came into this pizzeria, I thought maybe we could help each other. I want to get away from her and a little help bring back somebody special and you can get out of this damn machine and interview the living breathing Glitchtrap. As I see it you really only have two choices, except my help we can get out of here quickly or you can wander around here and try to figure out how to escape on your own. Clock is ticking..." 45:07... 45:06.... 45:05... 45:04... Reality was thinking in, this new reality. Even if this is real, which she wasn't sure, this was a bad idea, but if this is fake playing along probably is the only thing she really can do. Either way her life is in the hands of a psycho. She thinks long and hard about her decision.


Well well well we're back in another situation where I could use a little input, let's see if we can try this again. Your beloved Narrator, aka me, I want you guys to control what happens next. And due to the very busy schedule of my boss, you all have the benefit of being able to reply within a bigger timeframe. At the very minimum, you'll have a week if that makes you feel any better to have some time frame. I have also been informed I'm supposed to tell you that you may ask any character or myself any question. As if there are enough supplies there will be a Q&A chapter. Tata for now.

Signed Narrator~

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