Chapter 16: Planning

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                              Anna stared off into the distance this is way beyond her control at this point, "This is fucked..." She had said those words in her head, but they might as well have been out loud considering the mental intruder. She heard a chuckle as she sat on the table next to the dead guy. She kind of zoned out for a moment before he spoke to her again, "While the failure is distracted, we should start working. Go behind some of the empty heads there should be a schematic on the beginnings of the ritual." She got up obediently and open the folder and as she began to stare at it she began to notice stranger and stranger stuff, "Some of this is robotic stuff and engineering and the rest of this is who-do voodoo nonsense. Please tell me that this is a joke... No no considering how bad the franchise has been going after for FNAF VR, I'm not surprised there's a literal magic now. Sometimes I like to pretend that this franchise ended with for FNAF 6... I'm just going to mentally tell myself that your timeline in particular is magic and the other ones are still very funky sci-fi..."
                             There was another laugh and then she could feel like someone was behind her and in the corner of her eyes she saw someone, but when she turned there was no one there. She took a deep breath, "Let me guess overtime I will start seeing you literally and you won't just be a voice in my head... First, it starts off with seeing you at the corner of my eye and then it starts becoming more like I'm being chased by you. Well it's not going to freak me out because I already can see it coming, you are a horror cliché!" She can once again noticed something out of the corner of her eye before it steps into the main part of her vision, "I do appreciate the fact that you're a lot more clever, but that's smart mouse gonna have to go..."

                                 We have been staring at that door for what feels like hours but in reality was probably a few minutes. My nerves are getting the better of me. I both feel very silly and very forgiving towards my own concerns. On one hand, I am scared of a wall. On the other hand, a giant 8 foot murder creature can crawl out of that hole in the form of a unseen door. I had fiddled with the pocket knife in my pocket the entire time ready to defend the love of my life and inevitably die because I am a mere human being compared to these mental middle monsters... Taking a deep breath, I watch as the door appears again and Ray run towards it. They position themselves away from the hinges so that when it opens she could jump whoever came out, while I stayed in a position where I could charge anything that came out the door.
                               The door began to open and the second it did, it went invisible again we did not see anybody enter or leave. We had figured something like this may happen. The trick is to try to see if anybody looks out of place now look for Marry to pop up or anyone who had not been there before. And after a bit of scanning and Ray called me over and whispered something to me the second I did, "The blonde lady with a ponytail that was not here all day. She seems to be heading to the prize counter..." I nodded and we slowly made ourselves to the prize corner. Eventually we support the woman she seems to be going into a backroom behind prize corner, "STAFF ONLY." Before she could, I said very loudly to her, "Hey so you excited for the shows that I we got tickets for the fourth showing when's yours?" She whipped her head around fast and she didn't seem very familiar to me.
                              She laughed and quietly said to me, "Oh I'm not here for the shows I am a dayshift employee who forgot something, I'm just gonna take it and head home." Well I was distracting Ray ran off to find Jackson or an employee.

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