Chapter 2: Feeling Hype

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The plump tan woman runs around from place to place like a kid in a candy store after putting their stuff in a booth, while her friends frantically try to catch up. By the time they manage to get their stuff ready and walk over to her she had already bought them a package deal for both tokens and pizza ordering their side dishes and food on the side.

She starts bouncing over to the animatronics before her male friend walks over to our main character and holds her close before whispering, quite loudly, "Anna, something is definitely not right with that employee. I'm getting really bad vibes. We should just cut our losses and leave and find something else to do in town."

Anna turns to the man and sighs, "Oh relax Johnny boy, this is obviously part of the attraction. She is obviously playing a character. I mean geez who would honestly act that suspicious if they really were up to anything, they would have to be a fucking moron."

The other friend speaks up, "I don't know Ann, that's still leaves room for them to be a clueless criminal. Although you're probably right this is probably just advertisement for people to stick around for the night show." They put their hand on their shoulder and slowly move up to their neck massaging it thoughtfully.

John look to them and sighs, "If something weird starts happening, I am fucking out of here I'm not turning back."

Anna turn to their other friend and says pretty bluntly, "I get he's your boyfriend, but like why would you bring such a pussy to a horror attraction, Ray..." Upon her saying that John gives a very disgusted yet offended look, but says nothing. Ray just starts laughing their head off.

After while, other people start arriving. There were people ranging from age 5 to 55. Child-like smiles of glee spreading amongst those who never come here before. But none were more excited than our 3 leads. One of them had came from Europe and had never been to a Chuck E. Cheese, while the other two have been to Chuck E. Cheese's as kids, but they all had been fans of FNAF for so long and been dying to get the Freddy's experience. What you probably don't know is that on top of that this group actually came from three states over and have been planning this trip for the past seven months.

The three had been playing on the arcades for a solid hour before they all decided it was time to get a good look at the animatronics, the piece of resistance on this perfect November day. Anna turned to John as they approached, her face shifting to something empty and twisted, "Are you ready for Freddy?" John shivered at the cold icy tone she used, but Anna immediately switched back to her normal playful demeanor and laughed at him. "Big baby..."

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