Chapter 17: All Hell Breaks Loose

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                                I had to think fast, but luckily I had a response off the top of my head, "Oh really well I got some bad news for you. They have the building lock down a little bit something about needing to make sure everybody's OK? No one's allowed in or out." The woman's green eyes seem to roll around in her head with a slight panic, "Oh shit really?" I squinted at her for a moment and the more I looked at her the more I recognized her. Those eyes those are definitely Mary's eyes or whoever she really was.
                               I could hear movement behind me and I could see out of the corner my eye, Jack and Ray were coming straight for me. I just need to keep her from moving for a few more minutes, "Yeah I mean it sucks, but like hey they're still doing shows which is great. Do you like going to the shows or are you just working here for money and you have no idea about the franchise?" She fumbled the door handle with her hands, "Uhhhhhh... Yeah I'm somewhat familiar with the franchise I really need to grab my stuff, I'll be right back..." That's what I did something really stupid, I grabbed her hand. And just when my bold action was about to pay off a power surge goes off in the building and in that moment of darkness, I feel a sharp pain in the arm.
                              When the lights came on, the two of them arrived to me and I noticed what the pain was coming from now. The pain flowed into me and I just screamed. I had been fucking stabbed.... I tried to see where she went but she was gone I felt woozy and that's the last thing I remember before I fainted.

                            All the staff seem to be in a panic, the two of them obviously ran over to the guy who just fell over and is now bleeding. Ray cradled her lover and looked at him to see where the blood was coming from and was relieved, but also terrified by the fact that it was just his arm. They remembered how woozy they were around blood, "We need to call an ambulance this is gone on too far!" Jack look like he was about to faint and so Ray calmed herself down, "We need the cops I don't know what you guys are trying to do on your own, but this is gone too far." They pulls out their phone and he stops her, "We already called, we're having a hard time getting police actually take us fucking seriously and so they're taking their sweet ass time getting here."
                            At this moment Eric runs into the scene, "What the hell's going on! I told you do not do no Scooby Doo bullshit and look at you bleeding on the ground!" He picked up John and slapped him across the face like a pimp and the young man wakes up, "Did any of you three see where she fucking went?"
                             John stuttered, his mind still rattling for the intense interaction, "She's trying to go behind the prize corner... She has a different face... Sh-she wearing a blonde wig..." Eric gently puts the young man against the prize counter, "Somebody get this man wrapped up before he bleeds out for God sakes, I swear they pay you to know goddamn first aid!" Immediately one of the employees stumbles in and starts trying to deal with the situation with the nearest first aid kit. Meanwhile Eric walks over to the door and kicks it down, what he sees on the other end is a white bunny with a large kitchen knife, "Hello Boss or should I say ex-boss. Earlier today you mentioned that it's pretty fucking boring in this job... Are we having fun yet?" The man pulls a taser stick club combo from his side that all the major security guards seem to have, "Yeah I am when I kick your ass, now get the fuck out of my restaurant. Before I pull some whoop ass on you, little girl." Eric try to push Ray and Jack out of the way to indicate that they should run.  All the rest of the customers are staring and complete and other terror. A bunch of them try running and screaming towards the exit setting off alarms all over the pizzeria.

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