Chapter 19: Stalemate

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Ray drag John to safety as Vanny barely overpowered both of Eric and Jack. She turned her attention to Jack, sending her blade straight into him before moving back to Eric. He managed to get back up and charge her once more and she once again fell on the ground. The cheesy 80s theme carpet stained with blood. Upon exiting the front door, they saw police cars slowly drive into the parking lot along with some ambulances. They kept moving, not stopping for anything, "Please help me, he is hurt!" Ray was fully in tears as paramedics ran out of their trucks and started helping John into one, "Are there any more people hurt?" Ray pointed back at the building, "There's a crazy lady and a bunny costume stabbing people. I think she killed my friend and an employee and I don't know if the rest of the people inside are OK..." They felt so weak, they felt like this was their fault. Police officers that had manage to drive up were informed by the ambulance workers and paramedics of this possible hostage situation, while Ray weeped as they comforted their boyfriend.
Meanwhile, from behind the invisible door appeared Anna. The building was dark and she could not see well. She was going to sneak around Vanny and leave, but upon seeing what was going on she dropped her plan. The first thing she noticed was the flashing of red and blue lights. The next thing was Vanny being pinned down by a man who was getting repeatedly stabbed by her, "Fuck me..." The muffled voice in Anna whispered to her and she silently shakes her head as she moves closer.
Her voice taunted him, his vision growing darker and bloodstained, "Are you having fun yet?" Eric got weaker and weaker, but his eyes were focused on only Vanny and stalling her, he could feel himself grow weaker and weaker, suddenly he looks to his right at a sudden noise and his attacker joined him. They both stared at Anna who was standing right behind the prize counter, "Hey Vanny I got something you probably want!" Vanny stopped mid stab to stare at Anna who took out and shook a Springbonnie plush like a ragdoll before explaining herself, "Yeah no I found out what you guys were planning on doing. First off, using me as a body would've been a terrible idea. I have so many health concerns so I found a better body, a very burnable one. If you don't let go of that man right now, I'm setting him on fire and all your work will be going down the toilet. Plus cops are closing in on you, Boo." She pulled out a lighter from her pocket revealing that she had found her backpack and purse again. Vanny's body crumpled underneath her costume, the voice in her head was screaming that this woman was not lying.
Her voice was glitchy and frantic, "As if this day could not get any fucking worse! I thought you were fully under control?! How- how did you get him out without help, that ritual should taken two people!?" Instead of trying to kill Eric, she simply shoved him of her as if he were a blanket. Then she got back on her legs and stared Anna down, she played with her blade and ready to run and stab the woman in front of her. Anna only smiled, "I was, but I snapped out of it after the machine that harbored my original virus fried. I am fully in control unlike you, you puppet!" She purposely was not answering how she had managed to do it, but then again Vanny didn't have time for this.
She looked like she was about to charge Anna, "No need for all the violence, Boo. Besides you don't have much time to get out of this building and escape from the police that are now surrounding it, if all you want is a plushy you can have it." She tosses the plushy to Vanny. "His soul is already inside it. All this blood shed for a man who doesn't even deserve half of this attention, a second rate killer. I care more about human lives than toys and puppets like you." Around that time the sounds of a person speaking in a megaphone came from the glass front door, "We have you surrounded, surrender with your hands up." Suddenly panic filled the bunny as she made a full dash to an emergency exit. Leaving Anna alone with the bleeding out man and the limp body of Jack. She rushed over to the two panicking as she now recognize the silhouette of the body she had saw earlier. Her eyes widened as a sudden realization rushed into her mind. One of them was no longer breathing.

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