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Where is my heart,
Who am I tonight?
I'm looking for my self,
But Instead I found my death.

Now my eyes are tearing up,
Because I haven't seen anything like this.
Who stole my heart,
Because I am weak, please.

I'm fighting for a pulse,
But there's nothing here,
I'm losing this battle,
I just need a break.

Even when dead,
I can't rest.
I'm looking for you,
My mind is in pain.

Where do i search,
I'm ashamed.
I don't even know what I'm looking for,
Because my chest is empty.

I keep drinking and eating,
Smoking and bleeding.
My tears can't replenish them selves,
It's too dry here, I need a drink.

My razor is here,
My baby please leave.
Don't witness death Stars,
The stars in my skull.

I'm hallucinating,
My body uneasy, just please forgive me.
My father,
Here are my words for thee:

I'm sorry I'm not the son you ever so dreamed,
Battling demons, I wish you have seen.
Maybe you'd be proud, father please,
Have love for me, just don't leave me be.

And now it's time for me to flee,
My heart is gone,
And my blood is drained,
I have no more interest in staying here.

Just lay with me as my breathe starts shaking,
Your presence, I seek, don't be greedy, be free.
Let's be like children,
Drink milk, and play without fear.

Let's dance in the night sky,
This is my last request, let's speak.

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