Chapter 11: Thank You For The Explanation Or Get Out?

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~Christa's POV~

I felt bad for Alicia, really, I did. She had just found out that her fiance and my husband had fucked behind our backs. Okay, 'fucked' is a bit harsh. We couldn't really know what had happened. That did not, however, get rid of the gaping hole in my chest where my heart should be. I feel Alicia patting my back, but the feeling doesn't actually register in my mind. I know that she's comforting me, I know she's trying her hardest to not cry about it as well.

"Why, God, why did it have to happen to us? Why couldn't they tell us instead of going behind our backs?" I cry into her shoulder.

"Sh, it'll be okay hun. I know, I know. It may have been a spontaneous thing, y'know." I cry a bit harder. I feel like something's off. I'm too upset to care about it.

When I hear someone clear their throat, I glance up. I'm laying on my back, my head on Alicia's leg. My eyes had been closed, but when I heard them walk in, I opened them. Gerard and Frank-as well as Jamia and Lyn-Z- were standing there. The girls looked rather... uncomfortable, sounds right, but Gerard and Frank seemed like they were on a mission.

"Okay, so we know what you saw in the hotel room, Alicia, but allow us to explain." She glances down at me before nodding slowly.

"Go on. But I swear, Gerard, say something wrong and I'm leaving and Christa's coming with me." He nods and takes a somewhat shaky breath.

"We decided to loosen up after the show last night and had a few beers. Frank and I... er, 'retired' early, so we suppose that Ray and Mikey continued for a while and got... rather intoxicated. Let's just say that they've both had slightly hopeless crushes on one another since... they first met?, so I don't think it's any surprise that they ended up doing what they did last night. But you must remember, they were drunk and it may have meant nothing." She nods. I feel somewhat better, knowing this now. Gerard looks uncertain, though, as he continues. "However... knowing that they both liked each other, and were obviously sober enough to remember last night's events... It's quite possible that they finally realized that they like one another... So... Take it away, Frank, babe." The smaller man steps forward smiling guiltily.

"Well... We don't think they're gonna... forget? So... we think... they may end it with the both of you..." With that, I didn't feel anything. It was as if I was no longer upset or angsty or anything. I was completely neutral. But... I also felt... relieved? Yeah... that was the right word.

When I glance over at Alicia, my gut gets rather tight and I look away again.

"Thanks guys." Alicia smiles. To be honest, I already know that she was planning on a divorce before this, and I knew she actually was screwing around behind Mikey's back, but I couldn't tell him or anyone else... I would have felt awful, ruining it for them like that. The four of them nod and walk out, Frank and Gerard hand in hand, Frank's head on Gerard's shoulder. Jamia and Lyn-Z are walking closer as well. I dwell on that for a moment or so before turning back to Alicia.

"Why'd you say thank you?" I would have not said that in a million years. Maybe, 'Okay, now get out.',  but definitely not thank you. She smiles at me.

"So I can do this." And when she presses her lips to mine for a brief second, I can't feel anything else. But then she's gone, walking out the door, and I can't even manage to get up to follow her. But I do glance at the small scrap of paper she's left in her wake.

Unwrinkling it and reading it, I allow myself to cry for the second time that day.

Closets Can Be Confining *Frerard/Rikey/Lamia/Alista*Where stories live. Discover now