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Garnet Academy//Cafeteria//9:46AM

All the people inside the caferteria were like panicking, and it was really annoying.

"People! Calm down!" Shannon commanded.

But none of them heard what Shannon said. Is she like the president here?!

"I said... CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!!" She exclaimed.

The whole cafeteria was suddenly quiet. And a lot of them were looking at Shannon.

"Please people, stop the madness." She said now standing on the chair. "This?" She pointed at the door where the screaming was, "That's bullshit everyone. B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T!" She spelled it out to us.

Then she walked towards the girl who screamed earlier. After she got there she examined the place for a bit then looked at us. "You see?! There's nothing out here! This girl!" She pointed to the girl "Is lunatic!" She continued.

She really have the guts you know? Like who does that?!


She looked at her right shoulder and screamed hysterically.

"So much bravery." Elizabeth commented.

I just shrugged. She was brave enoight to go out there and now, she's screaming like a little girl.

"I-its... Heloisse!!!" She shouted.

From the moment she said that, I froze. We were all shocked from what she said.

"G-guys..." Antonette said in fear.

"This school is a murder house!!!" Amy hyterically screamed, alarming everyone to cause panic.

"Amy!!! Shhhh!!!" Rebelle covered her mouth with Amy's handkerchief. "You caused everyone to panic! Now let's skiddadle before the teachers come!" She came up with a plan.

We hurried back to our classroom and talked about this 'Murder' thing. When we were on our way to our classroom, I looked up where Heloisse's dead body was, she was still fresh and her blood is dripping. Its like she was killed before recess. I guess from the looks of her dead body, she has a huge slit on her neck and her eyes are still opened. Maybe that's the cause of her dead. Plus, she had a lot of bruises and a lot of wound. She may have been tortured before she was killed. Poor Heloisse. Then Claren pulled me away from the dead body.

"What did you saw?" She asked me while running.

"I saw... Her body." I hesitated. I wish I never looked at it, I already feel nauseous. I had to split ways because I can't hold my vomit longer.


Garnet Academy//Classroom//10:25AM

"Where have you been?!" Allison asked in panic.

"I went to the comfort room, I vomited. I saw her body. T-there's a huge... Slit on her neck, there's a... A bruise, a lot of it and her eyes... They're open!" I said in fear.

"I didn't even bother looking..." Michelle said.

We were all quiet when our classmates came into our room with our adviser, Ms. Heather.

"Class, please remain calm. I'm sure the principal and the police and also the investigators will solve all of this. For now, all classes aren't going to push through, we teachers are going to help the investigators solve the problem. I want all of you to stay quiet and behave. Now, I would like to call on our President, please take over the class now. I'll back." Ms. Heather informed us and then she leaves.

Our president took over the class, we were behave. But Shannon's group is the only one making a noise. We couldn't do something about it because you know what they can do...

"So guys... First murder, who do you think killed Heloisse?" I whispered to them.

"A burglar?" Elizabeth guessed.

"But why would he put the dead girl's body inside her school?" Allison added.

"So you mean it's a serial killer?" Michelle guessed.

"But still, why in school where everybody is eating?" I asked. "That's a big odd you know. Of all the places where you can put a dead body why would you hang a body in the ceiling? Plus, why here in school?"

"You have a point there." Claren commented.

"Maybe a school janitor?" Antonette guessed.

"Maybe, but I still don't get it why they hung her body up in the ceiling." Rebelle answered.

"Look guys. We're going around in circles. All that it matters is that we should be alert. We don't know who is the killer." I suggested.

"Okay. Still makes me worry though. I feel like, I don't wanna leave you guys. Even at home." Amy said.

"We can't leave our parents, they are in danger too." Elizabeth said.

"Just, protect yourselves..." Claren added.

"Seraphine, could I go to the comfort room?" Gina asked her permission.

"Yes." Seraphine said.

Gina is our classmate, and Seraphine too. She is also the Class President. Hmmm... Going alone to the comfort room seems dangerous, don't you think? Geez, whatever.

*A few minutes later*

"Okay class, I'm finally back." Ms. Heather announced.

"What happened, Ms. Heather?" Seraphine asked.

"Um... The culprit haven't been found and there are no clues or whatsoever, but please stay calm. The police are doing their jobs right now. Protect yourselves and protect your classmates, boys protect our ladies." Ms. Heather announced,


Garnet Academy//LockerRoom//5:21PM

Ahh!!! Finally!!! Dismissal! I'm tired from all of this events that is happening.

"What a day." Claren said.

"Yeah. I never knew they would suspend the subjects." Michelle said.

"But from what's happening is so shocking." Allison added.

"True..." The three of us answered.

"Let's keep ourselves safe everyone." Allison said happily while going outside the locker room.

"Careful Allison." I said.

"I will. See ya tomorrow guys!" She farewelled and then she was out of sight.

"Its getting you guys, we must be getting home, plus its dangerous to go home at night." I suggested.

"You're right. Let's skiddadle." Michelle closed her locker and went off with us.



I wonder who might be the killer? And why would they kill our innocent classmate? She died a virgin, she died unhappy, she died without even accomplishing her goals. How could they take her life away from her? There's a lot of people in this world, that are rude.

We must find out who the killer is before it gets us.

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