Rays Birthday Special

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Yo! Sorry I am so late with this but I wanted to do a special for it so here I am. Oh and this is set for the future, hope you enjoy!




*Yawn* it's Ray's birthday today! I'll be sure to make him some breakfast right now!

Emma gets up and gets dressed for the day and proceeded to make some waffles and bacon for Ray, she cooks it trying not to eat it early.

After she finishes she makes two separate plates one for herself and the other for her to take to Ray in bed. She makes the plate look as nice as possible putting dome strawberry on top of the waffles, and making a smily face out of the bacon.

She picks up the plates and walked back to her and Ray's room she sets the plate down next to him and kisses his forehead

She whispers "Hey, I made you breakfast happy birthday" she lightly caresses his face, he attempts to not smile to continue the special treatment but fails.

He has a big smile as his eyes start to flutter open. "Hey Emma" he eventually says looking at her "Hi Ray! Happy birthday!" She replies a little louder then a whisper not to make his ears hurt because of how close she is to his face.

She leans back picking up her and Ray's plate she walked over to her side of the bed and sets his plate down on his lap and she shuffles down the food fairly quickly enjoying every sweet bit of the waffles and the slight honey taste with the bacon.

"This is really good Emma, thank you" he says finishing his final bite. "Oh no problem it is your birthday after all!" She replies grabbing his plate to go set in the sink.

She does that and by the time she got back Ray had shuffled back into the covers patting the open area next to him.

She climbs her way back into bed aswell, they stare at eachother for a while. Just admiring oneanother until Emma finally breaks the silence "what would you like to do today?"

"Hm, just laying here with you is enough for me... maybe we could watch a couple movies aswell?"

"Okay, I'm fine with anything you want to do today is your day after all"

There is some more silence that was followed after that. Eventually Ray scoots a little closer to her

What is he doing? Emma starts to turn red because Ray is fairly close at this point and finally they share a passionate kiss.

Ray starts to break away after a little while at this point Emma is beet red, she starts to cover her face.

"Why are you covering your face?"

"Because of you now I look like a mess!"

Ray slowly pulles the covers away from her face, they share eye contact.

Emma moves his hair oit of his face and sees a scare from something that happened a long time ago, she still feels bad about it to this day.

But little does she know that she is the only one alowed to see that scar, nobody else even really knows about it.

Ray sees her face kinda have a bit of sorrow fill her face because she feels its ger fault that, that happened

He places his hand on hers "it wasn't your fault you know"

"I just feel like it is, I'm sorry"

"It's okay no need to worry plus it gets to show how I was able to fight by your side I wouldn't have it any other way"

Her lips curl into a smile "okay, and thank you for everything"

"No need for thanking"

Ray gives a smile her way such a caring, and gentle smile he has.

"Plus I should be thanking you" he speaks again placing his hand on the scar on her abdomen "you saved my life"

"Ahh that was nothing" she replies giving a jokingly smug grin.

He does a slight chuckle which eventually makes them both burst out laughing. After a little while they start to settle down both their faces hurting from all the smiling and laughing.

Ray grabs the book by his bed side table and starts reading it. While Emma grabs her phone and makes a snap asking Ray some questions.

"So sir Ray how is the birthday going"

"It's going great miss Emma"

They both share a giggle and she posts the snap to her story. Then Ray's phone starts to blow up with birthday texts aswell. Little did they know that Norman had the group and they were waiting at their door.


they both get up to go check the door with Ray at the door and Emma directly behind him. They start to open the door and all they see is everybody in a whole bunch of party hats.

"Emma did you plan this?" Ray kinda leans down and whispers to her.

"No, I didn't that's why I asked if you wanted to do anything and I figured you wouldn't want to do anything so I didn't plan anything" Emma replys also in a whisper.

"Oh okay" he gives kinda a grumpy look "let's get this done and over with then.

"Hey guys I brought drinks!" Don shouts.

Emma and Ray both have the same expression and thought of ohh boy.

Everyone enters some time goes on, Ray is drinking of course cause he didn't want it to go to waist. But he had just a little to much to drink.

So Emma calls off the part for the night so she can take care of Ray without her house being trashed.

"Hey guys we are going to end the party for today, so please leave. Thank you for coming!"

Everyone leaves then it's just her and Ray left in the house.

"Emmaaa, where are youuu"

Oh boy  "I'm right here Ray"

Ray proceeds to slowly make his way over to her stumbling on the way, until finally he falls near her but luckily Emma had caught him and was basically dragging him to their room.

Once they get to their room she sets him down on the bed in a sitting upright position. She grabs a glass of water for him to drink, "here drink"

"But IIII don't want toooo"

Sigh "Ray drink it" she says calmly but slightly frustrated


"Ray drink it now" she replies in a more stern tone

"Are you maddd at mee?? I'm sorryyy" he starts to cry and hug on Emma, and of course she hugs him back "no I'm not mad at you, but can you just drink this water please?"

"Okayy fine" he chugs down the water fairly quickly.

"Okay now let's get you to bed"

Ray nods and starts to crawl himself into the sheets, with Emma laying down next to him. They are laying down facing eachother, Emma caressing his face and hair till he eventually starts to drift off to sleep.

But he says one last thing before falling asleep

"I lovee youuu Fantaa"

She smiles at him "I love you too Raypunzle" then they both calmly drift off to sleep...




Yo I hope you enjoyed this chapter I know I have been gone for a while but I think I will start back up here pretty soon I'll try to have the next chapter out very soon. Thank you for reading, and enjoy the rest of your day!

Peace out

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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