Chapter 5

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Yo I hope you enjoy this chapter! Btw thx for over 300 reads!!!


                                                                         The door knob turns...

Emma's heart is racing, going a million miles per hour and not in a good way. her palms start to sweat. she goes into panic mode.

Ray doesn't know how to react he gets nervous and his heart is now also racing. he starts to sweat.

Whisper yells "RAY"

Ray jumps from one side of her bed to the other and hits the ground with a loud thud Ouch, maannn that hurt. the door then swings wide open. Emma's father has a beer bottle in his hand and a knife in his pocket like he is going to smash it on Emma's head 

Her father smashes the bottle on the side of Emma's face causing a lot of blood to be drawn 

"you are weak and worth nothing remember that" he then leaves. Ray gets up and goes over to Emma

"Im sorry but im going to tell my mother Emma we need to get you somewhere else this is very painful seeing you get hurt"


"No but's I want my little Fanta to be happy again, and those things he said arent true ok you are very strong and have a ton of worth ok, im not just saying this to say it I mean it" he huggs her as she starts to cry

"I will get you out of here I promise and i will stay by your side no matter what"

If Ray promises it will always get done he has never broken a promise before

"now let's get you cleaned and patched up"

"yeah, thank you Ray it means a lot to me, and I think I am ready to tell you what truly happened"

"ok, I am here to listen"

They sit down on her bed and Ray starts to get Emma's new wound patched up

"So it was two years ago when my mother passed away"

"My mother was always so kind,  she had passed from heart issues"

"And after my mother passed my father got depressed and started drinking a lot to sidetrack him"

"And eventually he had started hitting me calling me names and then i was having trouble"

"And started to cut on my arms"

"Then a miracle happened want to know what it was"

"of course"

"It was you Ray I have been wondering how you have been all these years i missed you"

"I- I missed you to Emma, its funny right before i had bumped into you on the first day I was wondering the same thing" Ray starts to blush It must have been fate

"Its been hard the last couple years Ray"

"But after being through all that you still care for others more than yourself, and you can still somehow smile" he puts his head on hers "I think it's amazing you know" Emma feels her face get warm again

I read what this usually means in a book one time it usually means true love. D-do I romantically have feelings for Ray. There is no way he would like me though. you know what I will write a note that will eventually go to Ray.

A note to My Love...

It was about time for Ray to leave back home although she didn't want him to leave yet he had to. And although he didn't want to leave yet he has to it would probably be for the best.

Ray says his goodbyes then leaves. Now was Emma's chance to write that note

On the front if the envelope she writes "To My Love"

In the not she writes "you may be thinking who this mysterious person is well its Ray so if you are seeing this Ray umm hi there are many reasons to love you I am hoping the feeling is mutual"

"Most people 5hink of you as a cold hearted person or an edge lord or something along those lines but I reality you are so kind but I'm one of the only people that know that truly you are a very kind hearted person just like how most people that don't tend to know you really well think your eyes are black. But I know that they are a deep forest green color"

"You always know what needs to be said and when that's another think I like about you and not gonna lie you are very good looking"

"So I guess when you see this note actually I think I will give this to you on Valentiens day that's a few months away so I can hopefully manage to get the courage to give it to you"

"Anyways that'll be all for this note hopefully you have mutual feelings towards me and I hope things work out, so I guess I will talk to you later My Love

-Scincerly Emma

Little did Emma know Ray had the same idea for a note witch will be given on Valentiens day

And Ray would talk to his parents tomorrow about Emma being abused and about her father

Rays title to the note was also "To My Love"

Hus note read: "Emma, Emma, Emma, there are so many things that I love about you. First off you are such a selfless, strong beautiful lady. You always care for others first even if you are dying yourself, and you have been through so, so much that most people couldn't imagine."

"Yet you keep that beautiful smile on everyday and just seeing that smile can light up anyone's day. That's Amazing or most people don't know that you have always wanted to ride a giraffe or when your little Antenna perks up a bit more than usual."

" it usually happens when you are in a really good mood or you are really exited over something. Not to mention you are a good looking lady."

"And that icecream game you got it right the first try it was chocolate icecream, I only did it so I could spend more time with you. This is a good spot to end off the note, I hope that you have the same feelings towards me that I do you My Love"

-Yours Truly Ray


I hope you guys liked this chapter TY again for over 300 reads

Anyways peace out

My Love (Rayemma)Where stories live. Discover now