Paralysed- Peter Parker

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The scene shows a conversation being held between peter and tony. Peter says" When you can do what I can, but you don't. And then the bad things happen. They happen because of you."

"So that was what made you hesitate to fight." Nat said.

"See, even the kid was more smarter then you tony" Steve said." The accords wasnt the right path-"

"For you. For us, it was. I didn't let you go because I choose your side steve, I let you go because I promised that I would save your life. No more, no less" Nat shuts his mouth.

"Still in team Iron man?"


Song:When did I become so cold?

The scene changes to happy bandaging an injured peter. His face has blood stains and they are in a plane.

Everyone gasps.

"W-when was that? You didn't tell me"Tony asked.

"It hasn't happened "


Song: When did I become ashamed? (Oh)

The scene shows Nick Fury scolding peter. " You, were not ready" He scolds, pointing he fingers at peter.
(An: Why is he scolding him? Dont mind cause I haven't seen all marvel movies, yet. And he is also rude with him ig.) The scene changes to peter sitting, all alone. No one for comfort. No one.

"Now why the hell are you scolding Petie? " Pietro asks. Fury just shrugged. Bruce was on the verge of turning green, so shugs escorted him to another room.

Song: Where's the person that I know? They must have left. They must have left. With all my faith

The scene changes to May and Peter talking." You have to tell me what's goin on! There no one, just me and you!". "I'm sorry" Peter looks like he is about to cry. ( Gosh this edit will break my heart to pieces). The scene changes to peter sitting somewhere high above the ground. He is looking down, not able to think, feeling very ashamed , sad and painful.

"Poor pete." Everyone looks at Nat.

"What? I know I can endure much more pain then anyone of you can but that doesn't mean I can't feel bad for him."

Song: I'm paralyzed
Where are my feelings?
I no longer feel things
I know I should
I'm paralyzed
Where is the real me?
I'm lost and it kills me
I'm paralyzed

The scene changes to nick fury talking to peter, like he is explaining him something. Peter, is wearing a black dress. Then Nick walks away. The place is all destroyed. The scene changes to peter and tony." No no no please please."" I will take your suit"." I am nothing without this suit"." Then you shouldn't have it."

"Wise words from a person whose ego is taller than the Burj Khalifa" Rhodes jokes. Tony acts hurt.

The scene changes to peter sitting on a rooftop.

"Looks like Mr. Parker is suffering from reduction of cortical control over evolutionarily ancient brain systems." Vision said. This means that he is sad.

"Yeah we can see" Clint rolls his eyes.

Iron man suit is landing behind him." Is everyone safe?". " Yes they are no thanks to you" . The scene changes to peter stopping happy to come towards him, maintaining distance. They are in a flower field. Then it changes to Peter wearing a burglar kind of dress, his mask up.

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