Clint Barton || What Ive become

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I have another good news. Hawkeye, the most underrated avenger according to me, has a show, which broke the internet. But Nat, there's something you need to know before watching this.


*sighs* After your death, Yelena was more depressed than ever. She worked as an assassin for hire, and was manipulated to believe that clint killed you. So, she went after him.

Nat tried to process this information. The theater filled with silence. No one knew what to say. People gave yelena scared glances.

"Didnt you people hear what shugs said? She was manipulated. So if any of you blame her I'll slit your throats in no time." Natasha said. "Start the clip."

Clip starts

"Okay, hold on. Don't shoot" the scene shows a happy clint teaching a grown up lila archery.

"Shes so big!" Natasha says in aw. She remembers the days lila slept in her arms. The good old days.

The scene changes to the avengers entering the barton house.

"You see where we're going?"lila hums.

"She wants to be like you." Clint says and smiles at natasha.

"Its better if she doesnt."

"Nat, it's a long way from Budapesht." Clint hugs her. Everyone look in confusion as to what happened in Budapesht except Yelena. She knows it all. He he he.

"Okay, dont worry about how you get there."

Vo Of fury: Where's Agent Barton?

Vo of Selvig: Up in his nest as usual

"What is it with you and vents?!" Tony groans in annoyance.

"I see better from a distance."

The scene changes to clint going for a test trail through the time machine.

Every nerd perks up.

Ladies and gentlemen and gentle toasters and gentle raccoons, this is a time machine made by the scientists here. Except hope and hank.

Everyone gasps in awe.

The scene then shows Clint helping a very weak Nat to the 'Safe house'.

"You were like that when you saw a bug. Oh I forgot that they dont know that I know that they dont know that you know but they dont know who you know me as." Yelena said.

All will be revealed later. Patience my children.

The scene changes to lila and clint positioning their feet.

Then the scene shows a hologram Rhodey. "The federals found a room full of bodies."

Clint and Nat tense. They know what this is about.

" let's go!" Clint calls in the next scene showed.

"Wait, where are they?" Clint mumbles.

The scene shows the avengers entering the barton house. "Honey?"

Shows a Nat who will burst into tears anytime and is avoiding Rhodes gaze. "Its probably a rival gang"

"Nat.." Clint trails.

The scene shows clint looking for his family. "Lila?"

"A-are they fine?" Clint asks. No one responds.

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