' The Mall Scene '+ New characters

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Now no time for intro let's begin. You people are gonna love this.

Clip starts

"This drive has a level six homing program so as soon as we boot up shield will know exactly where we are."

"Wow. What a great disguise." Tony says sarcastically.

"How much time do we have?"

"Uh about 9 mins from now."

Some cars exit shield hq.

"What are y'all doing." Clint asks scooting closer to the screen.

"Arent you supposed to have a better look from a distance?" Natasha asks.

"Old age you know."

The screen focuses on laptop.

"This drive is protected by some sort of AI. It keeps rewriting  my commands.

"Can you override it?"

"The person who developed this is slightly smarter than me. Slightly."

"Yeah sure. You a spy, assassin, avenger, a part of KGB, HYDRA, SHIELD and MENSA and they are smarter. Wow." Yelena sarcastically claps.

Everyone look at Natasha except clint and fury and Maria and Coulson.

"Natalie, what is your IQ?" Rhodey asks.

"I thought giving nicknames was in Tony's field of expertise?!"

"Uh huh. IQ now."


"Ms. Romanoff's IQ is 280." Vision said.

"How did you know?"

"Mr. Stark has connected me to Friday, which allows me to gains access over all of your files."

Natasha sighs. "Fuck you Stark."

"That is pepper's job." Tony says.

Natasha and yelena and the teens make a very disgusted face.


Steve loses his patience but still waits. (aka me waiting for people to post my fav fanfics before they are supposed to. )

The tall good for nothing agents get out of the car with Rumlow.

The scene changes back to the stars of the show.

"I can try running a tracer. This is a program that SHIELD developed to track hostile malware, so if we cant read the file maybe we can find out where it came from."

"You wasted what? Like 5 mins doing that!" Tony groans.

The screen focuses on New Jersey.

"Can I help you guys with anything?" Thor's biggest enemy comes out of the shadows. Anyone can guess who?

"SHIT! NOW WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN!" Clint exclaims like me watching this film.

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