nightmare lullaby

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a/n: you can imagine your favorite song as what he is humming, but I recommend who is she by I monster. :]

I awoke from a deep slumber, covered in sweat and tangled in the red sheets of the swan bed with Erik holding my hand tightly,

"My dear, are you alright?" he spoke, looking to concerned for his own good.

"Yes, I'm okay."

"You were tossing and turning, murmuring too, are you sure you're alright?"

"Yes, there is no need to worry, Erik,"

he looked at me as if to tell me he didn't believe me

"don't give me that look."

he rolled his eyes.

"you where talking in such a worried manner, are you sure dont remember the dream? I couldn't make out anything really."

"Oh." That was unusual for me, usually, Erik would chuckle at the things I muttered in my sleep and talk about it nonstop.

"are you sure you dont remember anything?"

Suddenly a rush of heat waved over my head, and I forgot all of the nightmares that had taunted my dreams.

"I-I don't remember anything," I said, shakily

"well, Mon Cheri (my dear), sleep, we have much to do in the morning."

Hours passed of the phantom and me turning to face each other and then turning back.

Finally, someone spoke.

Erik. i cant sleep. nor can you by the looks of it."

"you needn't worry for me"

 "will you sing, sil te plais, pour moi? (please, for me?)"

"Alright, but only because I love you"

" I love you too, mon fantome (my phantom)."

his chest stiffened, hearing that name. but then it loosened and he gave a long and beautiful smile before humming, his chest vibrating as he did so.  and with that, I entered my dreaming trance once again, never to be disturbed by those taunting nightmares

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