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<a/n: check out the awesome art by Tatiana Anor!>

I stepped down from the swan bed and slowly walked towards the bedroom door. there I saw Erik sitting at his desk, painting away with the watercolors I had gifted him long ago.

he wasn't wearing his mask which was unusual for him as he insisted on wearing it even though I had seen him without it many times.

"Hello, mon Cheri (my dear)

"well, you're finally awake."

"it's only the morning. why do you say finally?"

"it's 11:30."

"oh." I peered over his shoulder and gasped when I saw the painting. it was a painting of me in a long beautiful, dress. the colors were so nice and the shapes were so accurate.

"i-i know it's not great."

"non, mon chérie, c'est beau (no, my dear, it is beautiful)"

I picked up the painting and grabbed a picture frame to put it in. I placed the picture in the frame and brought it to my room. I stepped on a wobbly piece of rock, falling ever so slightly.

" do not fall, my love." 

he grabbed my waist and so I shivered at his cool touch. Finally, I hung up the painting and stepped down from the rock.

"there, lovely," I said.

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