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I sat, crying on one of the gargoyles that stood apon the roof of the opera popular. I was so, sad. I don't know what it was but I didn't feel good. it felt as if my happiness was gone and I didn't want to return. 

I turned only to see the figure of a man approaching me.

"Madame, are you alright? you seem to be quite distressed"

"oh," I coked back more tears "I'm quite alright" I broke down into sobs again.

he looked at me and moved closer.

"you don't look alright, madame."

 I moved closer to the man and tugged his shirt gesturing for him to sit down. 

"would you like to lie down?"

my head shot up from the abrupt question.

"oh, so sorry madame, that is a ridiculous question."

"no, no it is quite alright,"

I slowly turned and moved closer. my head was now resting on his shoulder.

"my name is Erik, Erik destler"

"Hello, Erik, my name is y/n, y/n y/l/n"

he smiled and took my hand. I moved closer to him and nestled my head into his shoulder. 

~time skip~

after a few hours of talking and crying and hugging, Erik stood up. 

"We really must be going. it is very late." he met my gaze.

"oh, thank you for being here, you are so very kind, I don't know how to repay you!".

"well, a kiss would do, but that is an awfully stupid questio-"

I came closer and kissed him. our kiss was short, but enough to make him smile.

he moved into the shadows.

"t-thank you very much. this is not the last you will see of me." 

he retreated further and disappeared.

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