discovery (part 2)

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I moved towards the mirror with each step making the music louder and louder. I opened the mirror more, revealing a beautiful passageway lit with many candles. 

I wandered around the many halls of the underground. the voice got louder and louder. the song was melodic like it was pulling me towards it. I came to some stairs. as I was walking I noticed a hatch. it was a trap. I walked around it, my nerves telling me I probably shouldn't be there. after a little bit more walking the pathway narrowed, the dimly lit walls revealing my shadow.

I continued until I came to a lake, stepping into a small boat and taking the staff to push it with. the lake was surrounded by green concrete walls, carved with faces. the lake narrowed again as a warning not to go further. I observed the lake closely as I continued to push the boat. the singing became closer and closer until I finally came to a barrier.

the barrier lifted, creating a loud noise. the music stopped playing and I noticed a man turn around to face me. then the eye realization hit me. 

"Oh. my. god"

"you're the phantom. t-the phantom of the o-opera"

"Why are you here"

"u-uh my mirror was open."

"hmm. I must have left it open" he mumbled

"left it open? what do you mean left it open?"

"This is none of your business, child."

I raised my eyebrows at the pet name.

"oh it is, the mirror is open. I demand to know why!"


 he slammed me against the wall. I could feel the hot air brush up against my neck. I raised my eyes to him. he hesitated but pulled away.


"hmm?" I tilted my head.

"go now! take the boat. swear never to tell."

"no, please! I beg of you, let me stay." I pleaded.

"fine, you may stay. but only for a bit. do not speak."
he moved away and returned to his organ. the music continued, sending feelings all around me. I sat and observed until I fell asleep.

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