words run dry

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a voice echoed around the many passageways of my brain. a melodic voice, a pure voice that sent shivers all around me. 

"y/n," my body carried me towards the voice that called out to me. "y/n, come to me."

my soul dragged me towards the bodiless voice. my hand reached out towards a figure, just to feel a cold, porcelain mask. 

"y/n, come to your angel of music." his big black cape engulfed me. 

my body shot up from the bed in which I sat. except, it wasn't mine. it was a swan bed, with deep red sheets. 

I jumped out of the bed, my hair swinging across my shoulder.  my steps created clacking noises and drew me towards the man. his head whipped around as I stepped out of the cave-like room.

"ah, good morning,"

"my head titled as I noticed the man's mask and face, he was so handsome."

"ah yes, this." he touched his mask softly.

I drew closer and closer until I was finally in front of him. he looked even more handsome in person. my hand touched his shoulder and he flinched. 

"i-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have, I just can't believe your real. my whole life I thought that the voice was just my mind playing tricks on me!"

"no need to apologize, I understand"

I felt my head lean in to kiss him, my lips brushing against his.

I pulled away, feeling flushing fill my skin. but, to my surprise, he pulled me back in, and his hand slid up my back.

the kiss was heaven. I could feel his breath on mine and I could feel him smiling on my lips. I pulled away again, taking a look at his face. he kissed me again.

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