once again

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this part is inspired by my first commenter, @Cheychey26! thankyou so much for the suggestion.

26th of august, 1901

the day my father died.

 the day I despised. the day I went spiraling into my depression. I had tried so hard to force myself out of it. I tried surrounding myself with my friends, I tried eating my way out. I tried to visit his grave, but, unsurprisingly, that made it worse. nothing would work, until I met Erik, of course.

~time skip~ 

I walked up the staircase leading to the roof of the opera house. I opened the door to only see a figure sobbing, it hurt,  the way they're body shook. I speed walked over to the person. I could now see that the person was a man, I rested my hand upon their shoulder. the man's head rose to meet mine. the man was wearing a white mask over half his face. I opened my mouth to speak:

"oh my, I know you! you are the phantom of the opera!"

his head tilted up then down. I moved my hand to his jaw and stroked it. 

"Please, calm down, I will not be scared." 

"are you okay?  why are you crying?" 

"oh, it is fine, you probably wouldn't want to hear the story."

"no, no, every story is important! please, I will tell you mine if you tell me yours"

(basically, he explained the story of Christine and Raoul, but I'm too tired to write that whole thing so yea .-.)

"I'm sorry for what happened,"

"it is not your fault, child. please, do not shed tears for my dark fate,"

"no, I shall not, I shall weep with you. you see, my father died a while ago and it has sent me spiraling into a great depression, one I can't escape,"

"o-oh my. I am so sorry my dear. please, sit down." 

he took my hand in his, his cold, bony hands sending shivers all around me. I sat down and moved closer to him. his hand wrapped around my waist. I moved my head under his. I could feel his breath brush against my face,

I turned to face him and felt his hand cup my face. soon enough I felt lips against mine. he pulled away, apologizing.

"i-I'm sorry I shouldn't h-have done that"

I moved back in to kiss him. 

~one month later~ 

I awoke from my sleep to find Erik stroking my jaw. 

something was off, something was different. the empty space in my heart was gone. maybe all I needed for my depression was love

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