Part 2

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I woke up one morning feeling extremely cold, I felt like I was frozen. Turned out my heater broke during the night, leaving me to freeze alone. Even my three layered blanket wasn't enough to keep me warm. I got up, took a shower, wore my clothes, ate breakfast and walked to Lia's house, like every other day. Ms Choi let me take a seat while I waited for her. For the first few minutes she didn't appear, she was probably still sleeping.

One thing to note about Lia is that she's a sloth. She loves sleeping so much.

"Hey Lia, are you awake?" I said as I knocked her door. Yup, she was still asleep. I opened the door gently and shook her.

"Wake up, we have to leave now otherwise we'll be late!"

"Ryu, please, five more minutes." Lia said half asleep. I hated saying no to her but I had to this time. I did what she hated the most and threw her blanket away, letting the cold air stab her skin. Okay, that sounded really evil but it had to be done. She immediately jumped up and was about to fall out. Of course, I saved her.

"Now that you're awake, go get ready!" I exclaimed as I left the door.
"Fine." She sighed.

Thanks to me, we got to our class on time. During our lectures, Lia fell asleep, as usual, so I had to make notes for myself and her. My notes are always excellent though, I have to say so. Even though Lia has never paid attention to a single word our professors have said, she's always gotten on of the highest grades, thanks to my notes.

After class, a line of students were waiting to sit with Lia during lunch. Another thing to note about Lia, she's extremely popular. She's a role model even though she's not student council president or anything. She's always been smart and always has a comforting smile, she's very likeable. What I do love about her is that even though she has hundreds of people waiting to be with her, she always chooses me.

"You sure you don't want to sit with one of your admirers?" I asked.
"But you'd have so many friends."
"I don't need many friends when I'm with you Ryu, you know that."

My heart fluttered when she said that.

We ate lunch at the cafeteria at one of the tables in the corner. It became our spot even though I have no idea why. Out of nowhere, some guy came up to us, well, he came up to Lia, and asked her out.

"Hi Lia, I'm Soobin and I've liked you for the longest time, you can't even imagine. Will you go out with me?"

That's a lie, I've liked Lia for the longest time.

I wanted to tell the guy to back away but I also didn't want to be that possessive friend. I just grit my teeth and waited for Lia's reply.

She stuttered. "Oh, hi Soobin, that's nice to know but I'm not really thinking about dating right now, I'm sorry. I'd love to be friends though." She rejected him nicely. Soobin was still happy though so I guess that turned out well.

I was relieved. "Wow Lia, so many guys ask you out everyday. Why don't you accept any?"
"They're just... not my type."
"Yeah? So what's your type? Or who's your type?" I smirked. It's funny how we've never had this conversation before.
"I'm not sure myself Ryu." She sighed. I knew she was lying. She did have someone in mind, and even though it hurt me, I wanted to find out.
"Well, okay then, tell me, what would you want your partner to be like?" I asked her genuinely.
"I don't know? Maybe someone who would accept me for who I am and always love me for who I am. I mean, no one here knows my true personality except for you."

She was right. At school, people saw Lia as a punctual, hardworking, kind and active person when she's actually a lazy, adorable person who absolutely loves sleeping. I love Lia just the way she is, her cute habits are what make me fall for even more, everyday.

I just nodded as a response and continued eating.

"So Ryu, who's your ideal type?"

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