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"Hunter, if I trip and fall, I will take you down with me," I warned, trying to peer through the black cloth covering my eyes. 

"Relax, Angel. We're almost there." 

Hunter had somehow convinced me to wear a blindfold before we reached our mysterious destination, and he had been guiding me down a rather uneven path for what seemed like forever. 

My heart raced with every step we took, the anticipation feeling all the more intense now that I couldn't see. 

"Just a few more steps," Hunter murmured, squeezing my shoulders as he guided me from behind. 

I would be lying if I said the way he whispered against my ear didn't make my pulse skip a beat or two. With the loss of my visual senses, it felt like everything else became...heightened. The feel of his hands, the sound of his voice—it was doing funny things to me. 

Maybe this whole blindfold thing wasn't so bad. 

God, I needed help.  

"You know," I voiced, trying to settle my pulse, "you seem awfully good at this whole blindfolding thing. You sure you don't secretly kidna-" 

My taunting fell short as Hunter took off the blindfold, and I was pretty sure my heart flew away with it. 

"Hunter," I whispered, my hand covering my mouth in absolute awe at the sight before me. 

We were standing on a beautiful, green acre that was coated with some of the prettiest golden poppies I had ever seen. Right in the center sat a lake, the gentle breeze sending ripples across the deep blue water. Positioned just in front of the lake was a white blanket, with a set-up I could have only imagined. 

Chocolate strawberries, a mouth-watering cheeseboard, wine, and a bouquet of pink and white peonies—my favorite. 

The sun had just begun to set, and the soft pink hues adorning the sky made the entire set-up even more stunning - if it was even possible. 

I turned to Hunter, who stood just behind me, my expression awe-struck as I met his smiling gaze. 

"Hunter," I murmured, shaking my head in slow bewilderment. "This—this is... beautiful." 

It was everything I could have dreamed of. The view, the setting, every little detail that he had placed into this...words couldn't describe the way it made my heart swell. 

Shifting to stand in front of me, Hunter took me in his arms, his eyes sparkling as his lips stretched to a grin. "I told you it would be worth the wait." 

I shuddered a breath, my head still shaking in awe as I admired the set-up before me. Nobody had ever done something this sweet for me, so thoughtful. 

Tears threatened to surface, glossing over my eyes. 

Hunter ran a gentle hand through my hair, pressing the pad of this thumb against the corner of my eye as a single tear escaped. "What are you crying for, love? There's no crying on your birthday."

I laughed, patting under my eyes. "They're happy tears. You're just too fucking good to me, Hunter." 

His lip slowly curved. "No such thing." 

Shaking his head ever so briefly, as if he was in awe of me, Hunter tilted my head up and laid a soft kiss against my lips, moving his mouth tantalizingly against mine in a way that was both sweet and claiming. 

A soft protest left my lips as he pulled away, and Hunter chuckled, his gaze slightly dark with desire. "Don't worry, Angel. That was just a starter." 

The Hunter's AngelWhere stories live. Discover now