Birthday Girl

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I awoke to the feel of Hunter's lips against my skin as he softly kissed my neck, the pleasant sensation a welcome surprise. 

Sighing into the warm feeling, I slowly blinked my eyes open, smiling down at Hunter as he lifted his head from my neck, meeting my half-asleep gaze with those mischievous eyes. 

God, I could spend a lifetime waking up to him and never get tired of it. 

This past week since our night out at Ace's had been full of little moments like this - relaxing yet playful in the most wonderful way. 

Sure, Rico's occasional presence while he kept watch wasn't exactly welcome, but I was actually starting to grow accustomed to him, despite his dickish tendencies.

There hadn't been any direct interactions with Rico since that night at Ace's, and, as long as I didn't have to talk to the asshole, I could survive having him around.

Hunter dragged me out of my thoughts as he nipped playfully at my collarbone, summoning a soft gasp out of me. "Morning, Angel," he rasped in a husky tone. 

Giggling at the teasing bite, I ran my hand through his hair, pulling him in for a gentle kiss. "Morning, Mr. Michealson." 

Hunter's lips curved up slowly. "Mmm. Mr. Michealson. Why does it sound so dirty coming out of your lips?"

Rolling my eyes mockingly, I smacked him playfully on the chest, despite the way my pulse picked up at his gravelly voice and taunting words.

"Shut up," I toyed with a knowing grin, shaking my head. 

A soft yawn suddenly overtook me, and Hunter chuckled as I attempted to rub the sleep from my eyes. 

I was exhausted. 

We had a rather late evening last night, seeing as I had forced Hunter to stay up and have a Marvel movie marathon. He claimed the movies were alright, but I could tell he was hooked from the second film, based on the way he was nearly falling off the edge of the couch.

The night grew even later when we moved things to the bedroom, after I got a little too handsy with Hunter on the couch and he couldn't take the teasing any longer.

Yeah, we definitely didn't do much sleeping.

My cheeks warmed at the memory as I turned to my nightstand to check my phone to see if I had any messages.

Glancing at the bright screen, my eyes ran over the flood of messages from Kat, Liam, my mom, Ariana, and my dad - all wishing me a happy birthday. 

I had almost forgotten what today was. I was officially 21. 

My birthday wasn't something I really liked to advertise or celebrate. 

At one point in time, it had been my favorite day. I would spend endless weeks planning it, staying up for nights on end as I imagined the thrill of the day - the celebrations, the gifts, the friends and family. 

That excitement had swiftly ended on my 12th birthday. The same day I caught my father cheating on my mother. 

My birthday never had quite the same ring to it after that. 

Since that dreadful day, I did whatever I could to avoid celebrating my birthday. To me, it just felt like a bitter reminder of the man who had raised me. 

My mom and Ariana had accepted my resignation quite some time ago, yet they still sent me gifts every year, which meant the world to me.  

My father, ironically, sent me money every year, as if his payment would suffice in place of the day he had managed to ruin.

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