First Day of Summer

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Opening her jewelry box where she found a pocket size bag with a pill inside of it. It was Ecstasy. She was slowly cracking. She felt unnoticed like the past summer. It was the end of the school year and a lot of her friends and family were leaving the state for the summer. She felt so lonely. While staring at the pill she was reminiscing the days she was using. She also remembered how it made her family feel. She didn't want to go back to that person. But she was struggling. She pulled out her phone to call her sponsor, Leslie. Who she hasn't been able to reach in weeks. "Hi you reached Leslie, I'm not around right now, but leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you" Olivia was craving alcohol. Drinking and doing drugs helped take the pain away. But also, almost caused her own life. "Leslie, I really need you to call me back. I'm kind of spinning, and everyone's gone, and I just—I feel like everything's falling apart. Just call, please....." Olivia ended the call. She ran her fingers through her black curly hair. She stood up from her vanity and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. She was fidgeting with her fingers before she found herself pulling out a bottle of vodka from a drawer from underneath the counter. She took the top off and smelled the alcohol. "It's not a pill...." She held it close to her mouth before chugging some. She felt awful that she relapsed. She felt the burning sensation from the alcohol go down her throat. She hesitated at first but she was already hooked again. She brought the bottle back to her lips and chugged some more. She felt even more guilty and ashamed. She was breathing heavily as she was in her own thoughts. Suddenly she twisted the cap back on and placed it back down in the cabinet below the counter when she heard the front door open. Spencer came walking in and Olivia stepped out of the kitchen. Standing in front of Spencer who stopped walking. "Wait, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be in Crenshaw with your family" Olivia was confused. She knew Spencer wasn't going with Coop while she's touring. But would've thought he'd be with family in Crenshaw. Walking through the door was the last thing she would think he'd end up at. "I came back to check on you" he placed his jacket down on the chair at the island table. "Me?" She was surprised. "Yeah. With everybody bouncing for the summer and Jordan with Simone, we pretty much all each other's got" he said. Olivia was confused and still ashamed for relapsing. She wished he would've walked in a lot sooner then she wouldn't have took a sip. "I-I thought I was alone..." he stepped closer to her. "Hey, you ain't never alone. You always got me" they stared into each other's eyes. She gave him a half smile. All of her emotions for him that she has felt since she met him was suddenly back. He let out a nervous chuckle. "Yeah.. alright" he looked at the TV. "Uh... so, what trashy TV show we watching tonight?" He looked at her as he hopped over the couch to sit down. He sat down awkwardly which did more damage to his arm. He grunted in pain. "Ahh..." he notice the pain was back that he's been feeling lately. He rubbed at his shoulder. Olivia walked around the couch and sat down. "Matter of fact, you pick the show" he handed her the remote. "I'm gonna go get some snacks" she smiled down. He stood up and walked around the couch to go to the refrigerator. "Ah... okay. We got Spoiled Hip-Hop Kids, Spoiled Mafia Kids.." Spencer opened the refrigerator to grab juice "Uh, oh, Tattoos Gone Bad" it slipped from his hands due to his arm going numb. She jumped and turned around quickly. "My God, Spencer, you okay?" He was grabbing at his shoulder. Looking down remembering what the doctor told him. He was nervous and was losing hope in his future as a football athlete. Olivia walked over to him highly concerned. He looked up at her worried. "Should I call my dad?" She grabbed the house phone. "No, no... no need to do that" she was confused. "Spencer you've been grabbing at your arm for awhile now. You literally just shattered the glass of kool-Aid. Like I don't know what else to tell you" he took the phone from her hand. "Just vibe with me, aight? I can't go to the hospital. Coach will find out and bench me..." he wasn't taking any chances. "Then so be it. I would rather have my dad bench you than for you to have permanent damage" he let out a chuckle. "And now you think it's funny" he shook his head. "Nah, I just love how you care so much" she looked away blushing. He grabbed some towels to clean up his mess. "No, I got it" she took them from him. She kneeled down, cleaning up the mess. He sat down at the island. He rubbed at his shoulder. He turned his head to look at Olivia. He found himself checking her out. He was confused. He didn't know why he was checking her out but it isn't the first time it has happened. He has done it on numerous occasions. It's just starting to get a bit complicated. He's supposed to love Layla. He told her he'd wait for her. So why does it feel like he isn't waiting anymore? He feels complete when he's around Olivia. Something he doesn't feel when he's around Layla. He cleared his throat and turned away. He looked blankly at the cabinets not understanding his emotions. She finished cleaning the mess up. She tossed the towels in the trash. "So.. care to explain?" He opened his mouth but she spoke quicker. "You know what don't tell me because I already know. You never fully recovered. You've been pretending this entire time and re injured your arm at the jamboree game. Am I lying?" He was silent. "Spencer, I'm disappointed in you. I know how much you love football.... Trust me, I do" she opened the freezer door to pull out an ice pack. "But it's not important than your own life" she closed the refrigerator door. "I messed up.. I know. I just thought you'd understand" he pulled his hoodie off. She glanced at his abs since his shirt went up. She pulled it down and she looked away quickly. "I won't tell dad because you're the one who should. But I don't agree to this. Spencer I care about you. If something bad happens...." He looked up at her. "I'll tell him, eventually. I just need a little time" he admitted. "Okay" she slowly placed the ice over his shoulder. "Ahh.." she pulled back. "Sorry" she didn't want to hurt him. "It's aight. It's the good kind of pain" she gave him a soft smile before placing the ice pack back on his shoulder.

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