Falling For You

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Spencer's POV

It's nice to reunite with the crew but a slight bit annoyed that they keep trying to hook me and Layla up

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It's nice to reunite with the crew but a slight bit annoyed that they keep trying to hook me and Layla up. I know I made a promise that I'll wait for her and all but something is off. I'm not sure if it's because we've been separated for a while or because something else. I just don't know. I do wish Liv would've come. We would've had fun chillin in this big ass suite watching dumb movies together. I guess a trip with the crew isn't as fun without her.

Olivia's eyes slowly opened. She shut them quickly when she found the entire room spinning. Her stomach had a burning sensation from the amount of alcohol she took hours ago. She squinted her eyes opened as she slowly sat up. She knew a quick move would cause her to vomit. She slowly stood up with the help of the island table. She made her way to the stairway. She began to go up the stairs so that she could get herself cleaned up.

Olivia's POV

I didn't realize how late I slept

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I didn't realize how late I slept. It 3pm. I was out for awhile. I'm not addicted. I just drink when I'm nervous or when I'm feeling sad, alone, you name it... I just have to figure some shit out. Not like I have any distractions. Spencer is in Vegas with the gang. Going to reunite with Layla. No surprise there. He's in love with her. No one stands a chance. But whatever.. if Spencer is happy, I'm happy. Even when it hurts a little.

Olivia got herself something to eat being that she hasn't eaten since the day before. She was laying in her bed on her back with a plate of fruit besides her and her blue bottle. Her ringtone went off which distracted her from her thoughts. She saw that it was Spencer calling her which confused her. She held her phone to her ear. "Please tell me I'm your one phone call from jail" he chuckled at her statement. "No. But you might be J.J.'s in a few hours" he said. "Thanks for the heads up, turning my phone off for the rest of the night" she chuckled. "So you're having a good time?" Spencer sat down on the couch of his hotel suite. "Uh, yeah. It's all right. I still think you should've come" he admitted. "So I can day drink with J.J. and watch Jordan and Simone play kissy face? Hard pass" he chuckled knowing that's exactly what was going on. "Besides, you don't wanna third wheel hanging around while you put the moves on Layla" he got a little annoyed. "Ain't nobody putting any moves on anyone. Layla and I aren't together" he explained once again. "I know but come on, you both want to be, right? It was totally obvious before Layla left for the summer. This weekend's your chance—" Spencer finally cut her off. "Did I miss the part when y'all Baker twins became pimps?" She chuckled at his statement. "You know I'm right" he sat forward. "Maybe. I don't know.. something felt kind of off tonight, though" he told his best friend. "Yeah, we'll, probably because she's been gone for so long. I mean, everything will go back to normal when you see her tomorrow. Or.... later tonight" she shrugged. "Hey, it's not happening tonight. And she's busy with Coop all day tomorrow until the show so...." He trailed off. "So what are you going to do all day?" She was very curious. "I don't know. Probably chill in this crazy ass suite, watch dumb movies" she faked gasped. "Without me?" Clicks her tongue. "Not cool—" he responded quickly. "Yeah, well, I guess you should've come then" he chuckled. "I'll holla at you, bye" they ended the conversation. Olivia dropped the phone to her side. She narrowed her eyebrows down as she thought about going to Vegas. She knew if she goes it'll only be for Spencer. She grabbed her phone and went to her hair dresser's number. She held her phone to her ear. "Hey girl, I know it's late and all but I really need a favor...."

**St Josephine**

Ralph Angel was in bed holding Darla close to his body. "I want you to come to college with me. I know I keep bringing it up but it would mean a lot. I don't do long distance relationships Darla" he kissed her shoulder. "I have no money Ralph Angel. I would have to get through my parents.. who thinks I'm dead" she told them. "It's time to be honest with them then" she sighed. She got out of his grip and sat up in bed. "You don't understand my parents Ralph Angel. If I call them they will do whatever they can to bring me back and I can't let that happen" she explained. "Then let me talk to them" she shook her head. "It wouldn't help... look I'll see what I can do. I'll call them today" she looked at him. She wasn't sure how the conversation will go but she also didn't want to go back. She loves St Jo and was happy having Ralph Angel's company. "How about we shower together and then I'll take you out for breakfast. Then you call your parents. I don't want it to be too late for you to attend this semester" she nodded. "I agree..." he sat up. "I just never been with someone who truly cares about me the way you do. Especially when we just met" he shook his head as the feeling was mutual. "Yeah. It's crazy... truly" he looked over at her who was staring at him. "Come here" she came closer to him so that they could kiss.

Darla's POV

How is this possible? I just met Ralph Angel

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How is this possible? I just met Ralph Angel.. well we reunited since being childhood friends and now here we are. I love Emily. I'll never stop but I know I have to move on from her and he's truly helping the situation. He's got this whole baby boy act but it's also so vulnerable and sweet. I love it. He's looking out for me when he doesn't have to.

Ralph Angel was waiting in the truck while Darla was leaning against the front of his truck talking to her parents. She finally got off the phone and he got out of the truck. "How was it" he asked. She turned her body so that she was facing him. "She's mad that I faked my death but also understood why I did it"
He nodded slowly. "Also, she's going to take care of my college funding so that we can attend college together" a smile formed on Ralph Angel's face. "That's great news baby. Come here" he hugged. "Yes it is" she said softly. His pager went off causing them to pull away from the hug. "What's that?" Darla asked as he checked his pager. "It's nothing" she wasn't buying it. "Just a way to get some cash" he said. "What? Robbing Convenient stores? Stealing credit cards?" She sighed as he remained silent. "Ralph Angel I can't be with you if you're living this type of life" she said. He leaned against his truck. She wrapped her arms around his neck staring into his eyes. "I want to be together. But promise me you will stop" he looked in her eyes "I promise" he lied before kissing.


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