Let the Games Begin

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Maya had her things packed. She was waiting to hear from Emily. But still no signs of her. She sighed when she realized that she wasn't coming. She was home alone because her parents went out. She had no idea when they'll return but was hoping it wasn't going to be before she leaves. The doorbell rung which brought a smile to her face. She felt her heart skip a beat. She was thinking Emily changed her mind. She went downstairs and opened the door before checking. "Hello Darla...." her heart sunk. Her ex found her. "Or should I say Maya" he chuckled. "You really thought I wouldn't find you? Baby, I'll always find you. You can't run from me, I'm in here" he tapped his gun towards his temple. "Please just leave me alone..." she was emotional. "But I came for you. I came all the way from Cali to be with you" she sobbed. "Why don't you look happy? You are happy I'm here, right?" He caressed her cheek. "Right?" She nodded as she continued to sob. "Then why cry? Why aren't you smiling?" She forced a smile. "I hear that you stopped sucking dick for clit. Is that true?" She shook her head. "So explain these?" He held up a picture of her and Emily. I don't know. Looks like you are by that kiss...."

He showed her the photo booth pictures

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He showed her the photo booth pictures. "We we're just playing around..." she was nervous. "Really? So your tongue down her throat and her tongue down yours is considered playing? Darla we never broke up. And nobody leaves me" he loaded his gun. "Please.. please... I'm sorry okay?" She begged. "How would Emily—Emily is her name right?" He smirked as he saw the surprised look on Darla's face when he said her girlfriends name. "How would sweet ole Emily feel when she discovers your dead body?" Maya was praying her parents would come home but she was running out of time because she knew if she doesn't do something quick, she will literally die in this moment. "I don't know you tell me" she grabbed his shoulders before kneeing him in the balls. "Ahh!!" He hunched over. She then kneed him in the face causing him to fall to the ground. She went for the steps and he tripped her causing her to fall on them. She hurt her knee but didn't have time to massage her shin. She rushed up the stairs just in time for him to recover. He charged up the steps with her slamming and locking the bedroom door. She pulled out her phone hearing the loud banging he was doing outside of the door. She was trying to reach her parents which she couldn't get a hold of. She then tried to call Emily who she also couldn't get a hold of. "Come on, come on..." she tried calling Emily again. He kicked the door open causing her to jump. "Ready to die Maya?"


**Beverly Hills**

"Yo Liv" Spencer walked in the house. "Liv?" He heard commotion in the kitchen. "Shit" he came walking in the kitchen. "You good?" She grabbed paper towels to clean up her mess. She accidentally spilled vodka on the floor. "Just made a little mess" he smelled the alcohol. "Why do I smell alcohol?" He was a little concerned. "I accidentally spilled it. I was looking for my fig bars and when I opened the cabinet the bottle fell" she lied. "How are you gonna explain this to your moms and pops? I'm sure they know how much alcohol they have" he said. "Crap, you're right... they'll end up thinking I drunk it" she started to panic. "Which you didn't. I got your back. I know you haven't and won't relapse. If it'll make you feel better, I can get another bottle to replace that one to avoid the unnecessary questions. But on one condition. Come to the James's BBQ" she grinned. "You want me in Crenshaw that bad huh?" He nodded. "You have no idea girl. I'm sure you need a break from this big ass house. Besides, I'm the one who's going to be on the grill. I gotta show you a little something something..." he chuckled. "Well then, I'm saying yes to the offer. "Thanks..." she didn't drink much but she does have a little buzz feeling.

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