You Win Some & Lose Some

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After her brothers wedding Olivia freaked out. She rushed back to the suite to pack her bags. She had no escape route since she left her blue bottle at home full of alcohol. She didn't want to face her feelings. From the moment Spencer jumped in front of a bullet for her, her feelings have grown much stronger. And spending the summer together hasn't helped one bit. And now hearing the wedding vows made things even more complicated. She had no idea Spencer was staring at her when Jordan was saying his vows and feeling every single word he was saying. But she felt every single word Simone was saying. Near the end when Spencer looked dead in her eyes she felt him staring into her soul. Neither one of them could take their eyes off of one another. It scared her. She stayed for a little to celebrate with her brother and now sister-in-law but once she got the chance she left to head back to the suite to pack her bags. Spencer walked in which made her look up from her purse. "Sorry I slipped out, I had to make a stop" he saw that she was packing. "You going somewhere?" She was zipping up her bag trying to avoid eye contact. "Coming here was a mistake" she told him. "I wanted you here. That's why I called you" she stopped to stare at him. He slowly pulled out the necklace he bought her from out a gray bag. He handed it to her slowly before placing the gray bag down. She looked at him confused before looking at the necklace. "The psychic was right about one thing. I needed clarity. I got it now" she slowly looked up at him as she rubbed the crystal. "Spencer..." she whispered. He stepped to her placing his hands on her face before kissing her passionately. Her hands touching his as they both were kissing each other full of passion. They pulled away for a brief second before kissing each other once again. Slowly pulling away to stare into his eyes full of confusion. "I love you" he said with her letting out a sigh. "I ain't even sure when it happened. Maybe it was the night I got shot. Or watching movies with you all summer. Or maybe it's been since the first day at Beverly and I just ain't realized it, but I know now, I'm in love with you" she slowly shook her head as tears were formed in her eyes. "We can't.. what about Layla and Asher?—" her biggest fear was hurting both of them who means a lot to her. "Oh, I know. I know. I know. I care about Layla, I do. But there's a reason you're here with me now, okay? There's a reason we're together. Look at Jordan and Simone. If today told me anything, it clarified for me that if you got a chance at real happiness, you got to take it... no matter what" she felt her entire world crashing down. She wanted him so badly. She never thought he'd ever feel the same way towards her but she didn't want to hurt Layla or Asher. So she had to put her feelings aside for them. She grabbed her bag and shook her head seeing the disappointment in his face. "Sorry Spencer" she walked passed him to the door. She opened the door and walked out leaving Spencer alone in the suite. "No..." he placed his hands on top of his head trying to process what just happened. He could've sworn she was feeling the same way. He pulled out his phone to call her but it went straight to voicemail after a few seconds. He sighed as he felt his hands shake. He looked out the window seeing the entire city. She could be anywhere. "Liv I need you to come back. Please.. I know this is probably a lot to take in right now but we should talk about this. Listen to me, you coming here was not a mistake, and me kissing you was not a mistake. Us being together would not be a mistake, Liv. Look I know you feel the same way. So please don't leave things like this..." he sat heard the door opening. Thinking it's Olivia but Layla comes walking in. "Layla.." a smile formed on her face when she saw him. "Hey" she said. "Hey" he pretended to be happy. "What you doing here?" He walked up to her. "Ain't Coop's show about to start?" She shrugged as she stood in front of him. "Yeah. Um, I just wanted to thank you" she said. "For what?" He felt disappointed that it wasn't Liv he walked through the door. "For being there for me through everything. Having patience. For loving me enough to wait till I was ready" he felt terrible knowing he wasn't waiting for her. Knowing he's in love with her best friend. "I'm ready now" she stepped closer to him. "I love you. Spencer. I never stopped loving you" she kissed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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