Calm Before the Storm

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Darla's POV

I couldn't believe that Ralph Angel and I have reconnected

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I couldn't believe that Ralph Angel and I have reconnected. Even though he doesn't remember me. It doesn't help that I'm lying about my identity. But it's for the best.

His truck smelled like weed. "So.. you smoke" he glanced over at her. "Sometimes. I drive around with the windows down so pops doesn't smell it. It's his truck, not mines. He just lets me ride it when I have football practice" she was impressed that he was an athlete. "You should come to one of my games some time" he couldn't remember Darla even though she looks familiar. Her using Nikki as her identity doesn't help. It's been so long but it feels as if they've known each other all his life. "I'll think about it.." she was so shy. Her emotions was all over the place. "I take that as a yes" he smirked. "I said I'll think about it" she touched the back of her ear shyly. "So where am I taking you" she realized she doesn't know the way to her hotel. She doesn't even know the name of the place that she's staying. "Nikki?" He glanced over at her. "Honestly.. I don't remember. It's my first day being here and I don't remember where I'm staying..." he was confused. Something seemed off about her. "Yeah.." she felt stupid for forgetting where she was staying. Now she's homeless. "Since you don't know where you're staying.. you can crash at my place. House is small cause it's a farm but you can take my bed and I'll take the couch" he suggested. "I don't want to be a bother" he placed his hand on her thigh. She felt butterflies in her stomach. The type she felt when her and Emily started dating. "You won't be a bother. I'd sleep better tonight knowing you're under a safe roof. Pops wouldn't mind. And if he does I'll explain the situation to him. I'm not taking no for an answer" she let out a sigh.

Darla and Ralph Angel got to the farm. "Wow, a farm?" She was impressed. "I told you" he enjoyed seeing how impressed Darla was. "Hoping I could own it someday. It'll be a dream come true" she looked around the farm. "I hope your dream comes true. You would make an excellent farmer someday" a smile formed on his face. "You think so?" She nodded with a smile. "I appreciate you Nikki" she was completely shy around him. It caused him to be more attractive towards her. "Come on" he took her hand, leading her inside. The TV was running in the living room. His dad was sleep in his rocking chair. He was sleeping good from the way he was snoring. He turned the TV off then turned the lights off. "You're just going to leave him right there?" She was concerned. "It's all good Nikki... Pops doesn't like to be waken up from out of his sleep" she nodded in agreement. "I don't blame him. I'm the same way" he chuckled and led her to his bedroom. He turned the light on and shut the door. "So now what?" She whispered with her eyes on him. "You can change into something comfortable" he went to his closet to find her something to change into. He found a t-shirt and some gym shorts. "Bathroom is across the hall" he said. "Thanks" she left for the bathroom. He sat down on the bed. Pulling out his phone to check his messages. A few minutes later, Darla came back into the bedroom. He looked up from his phone. "Wow..." she looked down as she blushed. "What?" He stood up shaking his head with a smile appearing. "You look amazing even in mens clothing" she chuckled. "Thanks? I guess..." she said shyly. "You're welcome" he couldn't help but to check her out. The way her legs were revealed in his shorts drove him crazy. Ralph Angel is known to be a thug. Robbing convenient stores and stealing credit cards. He's not in any gang but he's not to be messed with. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She was so nervous around him and he knows it. "No lie, the things I'd do to you new girl" Darla started to think about Emily. Emily was so gentle and as far as she knows, they're still together even though she won't ever see her again. It felt wrong. "I'd give you that good loving" he stood in front of her. Her breathing started to pick up. "Why so nervous? You know that shit turns me on" He bit his bottom lip as if he was some animal who is starving. "You don't even know me Ralph Angel" she was looking up at him. "Let me get to know you then" he placed his hands on her waist still biting down on his bottom lip. "In what way?" She looked down. Guys always wants sex out of her. She just knew Ralph Angel was like everyone else by the way he's approaching her. "In every way" she looked up into his eyes and could tell he was telling the truth. "So why are you trying to have sex with me then?"

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