Love. Lust. And Pain.

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**St Josephine**

Roberta's POV

I know this boy didn't have me drive all the way here to tell me he don't want me no more

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I know this boy didn't have me drive all the way here to tell me he don't want me no more. It had to be another bitch. No way in hell he's giving all of this up so sudden.

"Who's the bitch?" She shouted. "I know you're not only fucking me" Ralph Angel's dad Earnest came walking through. His facial expression said a lot about how he feels about Roberta. "Can you keep it down" Ralph Angel asked in a calm tone. "For what? Is the bitch here—" Darla came walking out of the bedroom. "Oh so it is another bitch" Roberta smirked at Ralph Angel before looking back at Darla. "You know your little fuck boy right here won't treat you right. He fucks bitches for living. The moment he gets bored he'll drop you. Plus, you're a bit too light for his liking so it'll be a quick fuck before he finds me again" Ralph Angel stepped to Roberta. "You don't know shit about me. We weren't no real couple. And Darla ain't no bitch. I suggest you leave, now...." she nodded before pointing her finger in his face. "When you get bored don't think about coming back to me" she glared at Darla. "You're just another pussy. He ain't feeling you girl" she looked back at Ralph Angel. "So you're into bony bitches—" Darla started chuckling. Roberta looked over at her. "Something funny?" If looks could kill Darla would be dead by the way Roberta was glaring at her. "You are. It's pretty sad how you would tear another woman down or at least try to just to make yourself feel good. It's pretty pathetic..." Roberta didn't care. She wanted Ralph Angel for herself. "Do you think I care. He's my man—" Darla cut her off. "Was your man" Ralph Angel was impressed by Darla defending him. "You can go" he said in a calm voice. She glared at him before she did the same to Darla. Ralph Angel walked to the door after she left to lock it.  "Thanks for defending me" she shook her head. "You don't have to thank me Ralph Angel" he walked to the couch and sat down. "You don't understand.. I don't get much love around here.. I don't have the brains like Charley or the strength like Nova..." he clenched his teeth. She walked over and sat down next to him. She slowly took his hand in hers. "You're right..." he turned his head to look at her. "You don't have Charley's brains or Nova's strength. You have Ralph Angel's brains and strength. You have nothing to prove. You are such a powerful force who is destined for greatness. You just have to believe in yourself and not worry about who's at your corner" a smile suddenly appeared on his face. "If it wasn't for us just meeting... I'd kiss you right now" she grinned "hmm.. maybe you should try saying that after our date" she stood up with him grinning hard. "Bet."
**Beverly Hills**

Olivia was laying in bed FaceTiming Spencer. "I'm serious" she laughed. "Girl quit playing. You know damn well you can't beat me in no call of duty" Spencer said on FaceTime. "I can" he twisted his lips at her. "I'm being serious" she gave him a mischievous smile. "That's the sad part" he chuckled. "Okay call of duty champ, how about you come over and prove it" she was hoping he'd say yes. The more they hangout, the more she was falling for him. "I wish I could but I'm a little busy" she frowned. "Is that the reason why we haven't hung out in 3 days?" She looked down a little. "I'll make it up to you" he said . "Promise?" She held out her pink towards the camera. "Promise" he held his in front of his and they pretended like they were pinky promising each other. "Anyway, what's more important than you spending time with your best friend?" He turned his phone around so that she could see the packed bags. "Getting ready for Vegas" he told her. "Oh..." he turned the phone back to him. "I still feel like you should come" he sat down on his bed. She twisted her lips and shook her head. She didn't want to be around anyone but Spencer at this point. She knew if she was to go to Vegas she would have to deal with Spencer and Layla hooking up and she didn't want to feel that type of pain. It would be worse than the time she caught them kissing at Rescue Smoothies. "Come on Liv. It would be fun to have you around" as much as she wanted to say yes, she didn't want to put herself in a position to be the third wheel. Even though she didn't realize that Spencer was in love with her and enjoyed spending time with her.
**St. Josephine**

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