Taking Chances

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**Beverly Hills**

Olivia had the house to herself. Which caused for her to drink. She was alone. As far as she knows, Spencer was in Crenshaw. So it was the perfect opportunity to drink out in the open. She was wearing a black mini skirt, heels, a red tank top, with a black leather jacket over it. She was seated on the floor with her legs spread out. The bottle of vodka was right besides her. She was drunk. She's been drinking for approximately an hour. She rested her head back against the wall. She thought about her feelings she had for Spencer. Someone she knew she could never have. It sucked because her feelings for him grew much stronger since the cotillion. She wish she could stop it but she couldn't. She picked the bottle up and took a big gulp. She felt the warmth of the vodka slide down her throat burning after she swallowed it. Her eyes slowly shut as she could feel the alcohol work throughout her body. She heard the front door open. "Shit.." she mumbled to herself. She quickly put the top back on and crawled to the bottom cabinet to put the vodka away. "Liv?" He walked into the kitchen stopping when he saw her standing up. "You good?" He looked at her concerned. "Yeah.. I'm more than good. Just dropped my phone... was picking it up" she held up her phone smiling more than normal. "Aight?" He noticed she's been a little off lately but couldn't figure it out. One thing he couldn't read was Olivia. And that's only because of his feelings that he has developed towards her. Well the feelings have always been there he's just now realizing it. "So... is there a reason why you came all the way here?" She was trying so hard to play it cool. Though her head felt like it was weighing a ton and her heart was racing and felt like the room was spinning. "I wanted to see my friend. I know you're here alone and need the company. So was craving ice cream. Wanna get some" she started to laugh due to the alcohol. He was confused as he started to smile. "What's funny?" She continued to laugh as she shook her head. "What?" He chuckled. "Dude yes I want some ice cream. Is that a trick question?" She walked over to him planting a kiss on his cheek before she headed for the door. His eyebrows narrowed down in confusion when he thought he smelled alcohol under her breath but wasn't sure and wasn't going to ask.


**St Josephine**

Darla woke up in tears. She has a nightmare about her and Emily. She was missing her so much. She sat up in bed, placing her feet down on the floor feeling miserable. She's sleeping in some random home. She was ready to give up. Go back to Pennsylvania and hopefully not run into her crazy ex boyfriend.

Darla's POV

I had to leave

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I had to leave. This isn't my home. How do I allow some random guy to pick me up. He could be anybody. My home isn't with St Josephine anymore. It's with Rosewood. I could only imagine how Emily is feeling at this very moment. How she would react to me being alive. But then how she would react when she realized my real name is Darla Sutton and not Maya St Germaine. It's a lot of explaining to do but I'm willing to take that risk. Plus my parents ... Yeah I need to go back.

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