New dawn

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Ram woke up around 11 in the morning to see his beautiful wife sleeping only in his shirt. He kissed her forehead before getting up from the bed without disturbing her. He went to get freshen up. He looked at him in the bathroom mirror while brushing his teeth, he smiled seeing his messed up state. A wide smile spread across his face with little tinge of blush seeing the hickey that was given to him by his beloved wife. He smiled touching it remembering her antics.
After completing his morning chores, he came out wearing a fresh set of clothes to see his wife still sleeping, he decided to make their brunch ready before waking her up. Ram locked their room door from outside before moving towards to the kitchen. As he expected no one from their family was there as it was sunday. He went straight into the kitchen to see tarun working there. He asked tarun to wait outside for sometime as he wants the kitchen for himself. Tarun nodded at his boss and went away.
Ram decided to make some toasts, scrambled eggs, fruit salads and some fresh juice. He made it with little difficulty as he was an expert in only eating not in cooking but he made it with utmost concentration as he want his wife to enjoy it. Finally after an hour of battle he made everything and arranged it neatly in tray before taking it to his room.
He opened the room and entered sneakily as he didn't want his wife to get alert incase she had woke up from her sleep. But to his luck she seemed to be in deep sleep. He kept the tray in the table near couch and went to lock their room before joining her.
Ram went and sat beside her silently observing her. He never felt peaceful by simply looking at someone but here his wife is not someone. She is his everything.
He sat in half laying position with his back resting on the headboard of their bed. He touched her face softly, while in a Swift motion she scoooted and rested her head in his chest while encircling her hands around his stomach. He smiled at her reflex reaction. He started caressing her hair as he didn't not have the heart to wake her up seeing her tired face. He know he literally made her exhausted with their love making session as he can't seem to get enough of Her. The pent up love for her and finally acknowledging it openly made him crave for her more. He waited for her to wake up which she did after good 40 minutes.
Priya slowly opened her eyes to see her husband's love filled eyes looking at her intensely. She smiled at him while he wished her a good afternoon after giving a chaste kiss on her lips. Priya woke up startled listening to his good afternoon.
Priya: Mr. Kapoor afternoon?
Ram: what Mr. Kapoor?
Priya looked at him confused
Ram: I have a name Priya and I do clearly remember you using that name more than once yesterday night.
Saying so he gave her a naughty smile which made Priya cover her blushing face with her both hands. Ram slowly removed her hand from her face and asked her to use his first name, for which Priya shaked her head in a big NO. Ram smirked at her before rolling over her and pinning her under him.
He started placing a series of kisses on her  before giving a small bite on her collor bone which made Priya to moan his name. He looked at her with satisfaction over the result he got. Priya hugged him tight blushing hard which made ram to give a throaty laugh. Then Ram moved from her and started picking her in his arms while Priya kept on asking what he was doing. Ram without saying anything took her to bathroom and placed her in the tub where he had already made a bubble bath ready for her. She looked at him with questioning eyes
Ram: I want you to take a relaxed shower and enjoy. I don't mind joining you but then I have already exhausted you more than I planned. So I will plan that shower for another day. Now you enjoy.
Ram left without waiting for her reply after kissing the top of her head leaving behind a proud wife.
Priya smiled remembering his antics, her husband never cease to amaze her. After their early morning romance, her husband went to washroom and bought luke warm water and a soft towel. She looked at him questioningly while he ignored her confused looks and started giving her a sponge bath. She tried to refuse him but he made her shut up and continued his work with utmost concentration. She started relaxing as it did give her some relief to her sore body. After completing the sponge bath, he made her wear his shirt and made her sleep by hugging her close to his heart along with whispering sweet nothings.

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