Sudden trip

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Next morning, all sat together to have the breakfast. Nandhini was speaking to mami while Ram and shubhu were discussing something. Priya ate silently listening to the brothers conversation.
Shubu: bhabhi today I will be late
Priya: kyun
Shubu: I'm going out with my friends.
Priya: what about your dinner?
Shubu: I will have with them bhabhi, you don't need make anything for me tonight and don't worry I will return safely.
Priya nodded and smiled at him.
Shubu: bye bhabhi, have a good day
Ram: even I'm here
Shubu: aapko bhi good day Bhai. Bye mom.
Shubhu went outside followed by Raya who went to their respective workplace.

Meanwhile, Nandhini sat there seething in anger.
Mami: Our shubu had completely changed, he had became Priya's chamcha. It's looks like first you have to separate shubu from this gang before thinking about separating Ram and Priya. Otherwise you will lose your only son.
Mama: nandhu, what your bhabhi saying is true. We have already lost shivi to this middle class family. Now we have only shubu,we can't lose him. You have to do something.
Nandhini: Even I'm thinking the same Bhai. First I will have to use vedika in this as she is Ram's weakness and using her will create problems in their life.
Mama: vedika?
Nandhini: yes Bhai, she is Ram's first love and he can never move on from her. Now he seems to forgot her as he didn't get to interact with her. I will make sure he never moves on from his first love. Now excuse me.
Nandhini excused herself and went to converse with vedika as she need to act immediately to do the damage control.

Nandhini called and talked to vedika.
Vedika shared her problem with shashi to nandhini inorder to enter in Ram's life as she is starting to get to know about her husband's not so good financial condition. Nandhini thought this will be the best way to use vedika in her plan. Vedika was telling how she want some space from shashi, while nandhini convinced her to come and stay with them for few days till she sorts out her problem with her husband. Vedika was more than ready to stay in Kapoor mansion as she doesn't want Ram to ever move on from her. Both nandhini and vedika had their own reasons to help each other but unknowingly with  same motive. To separate Priya and ram.
It was decided that nandhini will bring vedika to Kapoor mansion the next day citing shashi's anger towards vedika as the reason.

In office, Ram was working in his cabin when adi entered calling Ram's name.
Adi: Ram
Ram on seeing adi went and hugged him while adi was surprised with the sudden hug.
Adi: what happened to you?
Ram: Thank you adi.
Adi: for what?
Ram: For arranging a sudden meeting and helping me to get back home soon.
Adi: Achaa uske liye, but tell me one thing.
Ram: what?
Adi: why you don't want to go out with vedika? Afterall you both were so close.
Ram: yaar adi, she is a friend and I will help her out if she needed my help anytime. But at the end of the day, it will always be my family which is you guys will come in my top priority. Everyone was so excited to spend time together and I can't see the sullen face of you guys. At the same time, I can't come when someone is asking for a help. Thanks to you for saving me. With your help, I managed both yesterday. If you haven't arranged the meeting, then I would have ended up in a fancy restaurant seeing the waiters face instead of my family's happy face.
Adi looked at Ram in amazement, he is being vocal and straight forward without fumbling.
Adi: It's look like you have started taking training from Priya. My friend who always dodges  and fumbles to answer such questions is now answering with clear mind.
Ram: tum bhi na adi
Adi: Ram Kapoor is blushing.. I need to share this with brindha
Ram: shut up adi
Adi: acha leave it, now tell me, what is going on between you and Priya?
Ram: what do you mean?
Before they can continue adi got a call , adi went out attending the call while Ram resumed his work.

After few minutes, Adi entered Ram's cabin to find him working In his laptop.
Adi: Ram
Ram: Haan adi tell me.
Adi: Ram you need to go to Bangalore.
Ram: Bangalore?
Adi: yeah just now I got the call
Ram: when?
Adi: tomorrow.
Ram: oh
Adi: Ram
Ram: kya hua
Adi: you will need to be there for atleast a week.
Ram: week? What happened? Can't you send some other person adi.
Adi: Ram there are some major legal issues in that deal and you are needed there. No one can fill your place.
Ram: par adi
Adi: you can return once you signed the contract. I have already asked them to find a way and try to finish it within 2-3 days. But they want you to be there.
Ram: ok book my tickets. Are you coming with me?
Adi: No Ram, vikrant will come with you. I have to be here.
Ram: ok adi, then book our tickets and send me the details.
Adi: ok Ram.
Ram was in thoughts thinking how to tell Priya about this. They have stayed apart for one day maximum. Now a week, without seeing each other.
Ram decided to tell her after their dinner as he didn't not want her to stress over this.

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