The Discord

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Erwin awoke to something small and warm on his back. Groggily, he to turn around to see what it was. He saw the back of Levi's head. Erwin sighed and turned his body towards the small boy. Levi shivered, and Erwin put arms around him.

It had been a year since Levi arrived at Saint Carolina. Erwin had just turned seven and Mike and Cecily would soon follow. For that entire year, Levi never slept in his own bed. Mike didn't mind as much in the beginning as Levi's smell slowly started to fade, but he eventually became disturbed by it. 

One afternoon, after their morning classes were over, all of the children were playing outside and enjoying the sun. Cecily and Erwin were playing on the monkey bars, Mike was attempting to make a sand castle and Levi was drawing something in the shade.

"Erwin, did Levi sleep with you again," Mike asked in a tired voice.

Erwin, who was focused on showing how strong he'd become by hanging on the monkey bars,  grunted in response. Cecily, who was pouting because he was beating her time, answered Mike for him.

"Yeah. What of it?" Cecily inquired.

Mike glanced over at Levi, who hadn't appeared to have been listening. "Don't you think it's enough? He should be used to this place by now."

"Maybe," Erwin strained to say. His arms were failing him; he saw Cecily smirk. "But I don't mind, Mike. After all, you were the one that told him he could sleep in my bed. It was like a promise."

"Erwin never goes back on his word," Cecily cajoled. "He made a promise then, just like he promised me he'd beat my time. If you dangle for a few more seconds, you win, Erwin."

Erwin's face was getting red. "You bet, CC."

But Erwin's hands slipped from the bars and he fell to the ground. Cecily rushed over to his side and offered him her hand.

"You lose," she said smugly. 

"Whatever. Mike, do you not like it when Levi sleeps in my bed?" Erwin asked. "It doesn't matter how long he's been here. I don't think fear is something you get over." 

"But being afraid of stars is so lame," Cecily made a face. 

"Do you think he drew us?" Erwin suddenly changed the topic.

"Probably." Mike said. "All he does is draw and paint. To be honest, I hope he stops sleeping in your bed and starts talking real soon."

Erwin nodded and Cecily called Levi over to them. The boy got up. Levi's condition had improved. He had a healthy weight to him, he slept better, and he responded positively to the other children. He hardly smiled though, and he still avoided the female staff as though they had the plague. He still didn't respond well to touch. 

When they reached Levi, Mike smiled and asked, "Did you draw us?"

Levi nodded and showed them the picture he had been working on. He captured Cecily's wild hair and smug smile, Erwin's struggling arms and Mike's sovereign indifference. Levi captured the background perfectly. Cecily snatched the paper from Levi again and waved it in the air.

"Levi, you made me look so pretty!"

"Its obvious he swapped your face with another girl's then," Mike said underneath his breath, but Cecily heard and punched him in the arm.

"Keep it shut, Mike," she threatened. "Or I will shut your mouth for you."

Mike fiegned innocence. "You are too cruel."

Erwin was about to say something to Levi, but at that moment Levi offered the finest of smiles and his cheeks were a little pink. Was Levi being bashful? Erwin felt his chest constrict.

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