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Amelia Gonzales one of the it girls from East highland. She wasn't your usual girl that is always described she was actually one of the good ones.

If I'm being honest the only reason she was as known as she was was probably because of her family.

Everyone knew they ran a business and that her dad was a dangerous person to know but she was also know for how kind she was to anyone around her which is why everyone just knew her.

Amelia was the kind of girl to say hi to everyone in the hallways with a bright smile in the mornings sometimes I just wondered how the fuck could she do that? Have so much love in her? But if you messed with her I knew she was ruthless. I've never seen it happen. Hope I never do.

She lived a normal teenage life or at least that's what she thought because everyone around her thought she was just another pretty perfect girl. Her hair was curly with blonde highlights that she always retouched she said it just made her curls stand out more.

Everything was pretty normal until her dad got caught in the business.

Let's just say the thing got too dangerous to be in the home where they were living in the town, sure it was nice and well secured but not as secured as a gated home with guards everywhere.

The last time anyone saw her was the summer of freshman year before her dad took her and her mom away until stuff calmed down which it did.

We lost contact after months when I started getting into drugs then I went to rehab. It was weird since she was a constant person in my life. She was basically my best friend.

Now she was back and getting settled back in her house.

She had to obviously be here earlier since school just started but she couldn't really stay alone at her house so she stayed in her cousin's house Maddy.

I've never seen two people who cared for each other so much. Out of everyone in town I'll say maddy was probably the only person who actually kept contact with her which was the only one they actually trusted to talk to her.

The two were currently in Maddy's room along with kat and bb looking for outfits to wear to McKays party.

Somehow they treated their everyday lives as a modeling show, not that they needed to look good guys were after Amelia since the moment she hit puberty even with the extra weight on her.

She never really paid attention to them since she knew no guy would ever satisfy her parents; she just chose to wait it out until she got out of high school.

"Bitch I literally have nothing to wear!" Maddy complained going through her closet.

"I thought you were wearing that dress you chose this morning?" Amelia mentioned walking towards the closet.

"It literally makes my tits look weird!" Maddy kept complaining making her cousin just roll her eyes.

"I'm going to the store anyone want something?" Amelia announced while she took her purse hanging in on her shoulder with her keys on her hand.

"Just tell ash it's for me and he'll know" maddy said walking towards the bathroom. Amelia nodded then turned to BB and Kat but the two just said they were good. She just shrugged and walked out the house.

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