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"We found each other
I helped you out of a broken place"


Maddy and Amelia have done everything together since Amelia was born, birthdays, school, dances, basically everything.

Their parents always had them together so they just got used to always being around.

Maddys mom and Amelia's dad were siblings and even if she didn't want to be involved with any of Alejandro's business or her dads maddy was still involved with all of them.

When there was a family event maddy always went with Amelia and her parents since her mom didn't like to go.

Everyone always accepted her even if her mom had made it clear to them she wasn't part of them anymore.

Which is one of the reasons maddy and Amelia got so close she basically lived with them. She was like a sister to her.

But just like they were close, that's just as bad as the arguments went.

Amelia would just let her argue with her because she knew eventually maddy would come back and apologize and Amy would forgive her that's just who she was.

God knew maddy would never make it out without Amelia. Especially with what's to come.

When Amelia walked up to Fezco she had already replayed the same image of maddy on Nate's hold.

She kept thinking maybe she saw something wrong and she misinterpreted the situation.

But once she convinced herself it was fine the thought of Andrew and how he was throwing himself on her went through her mind again and again.

She kept thinking what would've happened if they weren't in public.

She wanted to believe we would've stopped like he did but we all know it's not true.

"You good ma?" Fez asked, noticing her with her face down. She just looked up and smiled nodding. He was leaning on the pretzel stand next to the window where Ash stood. "What you get yourself into?"

"Nothing I was with Jules and Rue" Amelia replied leaning right next to him looking around for any sign of maddy around.

Usually Amelia was always trying to be on Fezcos hold but this time it was different. It wasn't because of Andrew that wasn't what she was worried right not it was maddy.

Fez noticed this and grabbed her hand leaning in. "You sure you good?" He whispered to her and she just nodded, smiling at him.

Then Amelia spotted maddy walking out the carnival by herself.

"I'll be back" Amelia said getting off the stand and began to walk towards maddy.

"Maddy!" She called out. Before she turned to face Amelia she tried to keep in her tears as much as she could then turned.

"Are you okay?" Amelia asked.

Maddy felt like breaking down to her because that's just who Amelia was to her. The person that was there to listen.

"I'm fine," Maddy replied in her usual tone but her voice trembling. She went to turn again but Amelia stopped her.

"Are you sure?" Amelia tried to inspect her for any marks on her body. When maddy noticed she flinched away from her.

"Amelia I don't have time for your fucking dramatic acts I just want to go home" maddy snapped.

"Maddy I'm just trying to check on you..." Amelia said in a low voice.

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