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"Something bad is 'bout to happen to me
I don't know it, but I feel it coming"


The first day back to school Amelia woke up only to see Fezco had hung up while she was asleep which he never did. She thought it was weird but tried not to make too much of it. He probably woke up and had something to do.

Amelia just got up and began to get ready as usual.

After the New Years party maddy didn't speak to Amelia. She knew it wasn't her fault that Fezco beat his ass but she had to at least blame someone and that someone was Amelia.

In the meantime maddy began to hang out with Cassie more which was embarrassing to watch because Cassie was really betraying her.

I don't know how this works, okay? How can Maddy be so mad at Amelia because Fezco gave Nate what he deserved and defended maddy as well. If maddy knew what Cassie was doing I'm pretty sure she'd apologize to Amelia right away because as we all knew Amelia had maddys back and Cassie didn't. Instead she was betraying her.

Cassie wasn't the only one home wrecking shit apparently Lexi had gotten Fezcos number at the New Year's Eve party for what? I don't know but some weird shit was going down.

And just like maddy Amelia went right back to hanging out with Lexi. How dumb do they look right now? Fighting over dumb stuff and going to another person who is and might be stabbing them in the back. But anyways not my business and something we all should not invest in.

Cassie and Lexi yes but maddy and Amelia fighting? No because at the end the both of them would end up together. They needed each other more than anything.

Once Amelia was done getting ready she walked downstairs and entered the kitchen where her dad was yelling at someone on the phone. Well cussing out but you get the point.

Amelia walked towards the counter where Alex stood listening in to the conversation while he drunk his coffee. The girl stood next to him taking the cold brew from him pouring some for her in her usual cup.

"What's wrong with him?" She questioned beginning to listen in to the conversation as well.

"Something about someone dying I think he said mouse" Alex replied taking a sip of his coffee then turning to her. "Don't really care mouse was never my favorite but now they're making your sad responsible to figure out who killed him"

"Mouse is dead? Since when?" Amelia furrowed her brows.

She thought if Mouse had really died Fezco would've told her.

"I don't know, apparently a while now" Alex shrugged.

"Where were you last night? didn't hear you talking to that girl" Amelia wiggled her brows while he just sent her a glare.

"I was out late," he replied. "Where's maddy? Haven't heard from her in a while"

"I don't know she won't even bother to talk to me and when she does it's literally just for her to insult me" Amelia sighed, taking another cup from the cabinet.


"My boyfriend beat the shit out of hers"

"Ugh she's still dating him?" Alex made a face and Amelia nodded. He paused for a second watching how Amelia made another coffee. "You still don't know why dez did it though?"

Amelia paused and put the things back down. "No" she bluntly replied putting everything in the fridge.

"You know Amy if he is doing something to any of you I have to know how else am I going to protect you two?" Alex walked forward not trying to be heard by her dad which would be impossible from how loud he was shouting.

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