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It was finally Friday by now everyone knew about Amelia's party tomorrow. The whole school was practically going. Amelia didn't really care, she just did what she was being told by her dad. Yes she was up to having a fun time at the party but the way stuff was going down at school she didn't want to give them a place where they could start drama.

The week was long a bunch of stuff happened maddy seemed to be getting back with nate, kat got her sex tape leaked but shut it down immediately but everyone in their right mind knew it was her. Amelia didn't say anything about it knowing it would start an argument with Maddy about nate. The only thing that got her through the week was knowing that everyday after school she would see fez. Throughout the day the only thing she would do is check her phone constantly to see if she had received a text from fez.

Amelia was currently walking down the hall looking down to her phone smiling seeing that fez had texted her.

Friday 12:38pm

I'm bored wyd?

Amelia was about to text back when someone bumped into her. She didn't even have to look up to know who it was; she could feel the tall boy and  smell his usual cologne. Nate jacobs.

"Hey Amy, how are you?" He asked the girl to prevent her from walking by. "Party at your house this weekend right?"


"Hey we're cool right? Like everything with your cousin aside we're still friends like we used to be"

Anyone who was watching them right now could see that Nate was saying this in a threatening way. He always thought Amelia was an obstacle to get to maddy. He knew Amelia would tell maddy she could do better than Nate and he didn't like that. Aside from maddy the two didn't have any problems with each other if nate wasn't a total dick they would probably be friends but that obviously wasn't possible. Nate liked Amelia he liked how innocent and vulnerable she was which was fucked up.

"Yeah we're cool..." Amelia nodded, feeling completely uncomfortable. "I was going to the bathroom but I'll see you at the party"

"Yeah of course..." Nate replied watching the girl walk in the bathroom. She rushed in and leaned on the counter taking a breath then looking down to her phone forgetting all about fez.

Friday 12:45 pm

Sorry I just ran into Nate. Now I'm in the bathroom avoiding him.

Hey if he messing with you just tell me okay.

Fez it's okay really I just don't like being around him when he's like this.

I'm serious Amy tell me if he ever do anything to you.
If he look at you the wrong way tell me.

I promise.

Now you may think 'wow they're finally not awkward around each other' that's what a week of texting non stop and hanging out everyday after school does to you. If anyone listened to their conversation it just sounded like the two of them were constantly flirting with each other.

Amelia sat her phone down in the sink counter while she looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a purple skirt with a white tank top. Her hair was down with two braids on the side. She was wearing light make-up which she needed to touch. While she put her purse down and got her lip gloss out she saw Kat walking out the bathroom stall. Amelia gave her a smile while Kat walked over to the sink to wash her hands.

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