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"We had a good thing going lately
Might not have always been a fairy tale"


I never understood Fezcos and Alex's friendship or how they even became friends.

Mainly because his dad didn't like the idea of the two hanging out.

Alex's dad was really uptight and strict about his education and everything he did basically. He was the oldest out of all the siblings, next came Amelia's dad.

His parents also had him at a young age just like Amelia's.

Alex's dad was even more involved in the family business than any other of his siblings was he was the one that flipped the whole thing around making what they were doing more legal than it was...some stuff were still illegal but no one was about to snitch.

He made Alex go into business school wanting him to grow the business even more and trust me Alex was going that way but everything turned into a mess completely but Fezco was not the cause at all.

But that's what his dad thought.

Alex was one of the first people who figured out Fezco liked Amelia; he made it too obvious but he knew Amelia would've never paid attention to Fez or at least that's what he thought.

Amelia made it clear she hated Fezco when they were kids even if she was nice to him and had conversations with him. Alex and Maddy would always make fun of her for it, to which she would just reply with a whole rant of how much she hated him.

Even if Fezco was never confident to tell her or Alex about his crush on Amelia they still knew something was up.

While Fezco just tried to be around Amelia he became close with Alex throughout middle school and part of highschool before fez dropped out which is when they fell off especially after Alex got his heart broken.

He just began to focus on school partying and getting money which hey I respect. Go Alex.

During those years Alex would have conversations here and there with him until Amelia and Fezco happened.

As for Alex and his dad they fell off too seeing how he was partying too much and he stopped listening to him but Alex knew he was still watching his every move making sure he stayed on the right path.

Alex always got along better with Amelia's dad. I don't know why, maybe because both of them were kinda the kid their dads pushed around.

Alejandro kept telling his brother Alex was just going through something that eventually it would go away like it went away with him.

It didn't exactly go away. He just met a girl kinda like Alex just met Lexi.

Lexi did keep Alex on his best game he even started doing college again but anyways that's not the story we're telling right now we're still mad for being secretly ass bitches even though I have no room to judge but as long as I'm backing up Amelia I'm still in the game.

Now let's talk about Nate Jacob's downfall movement which is all I'm worried about.

I swear I'll even get sober for this shit but anyways.

After the whole incident at Maddy's house the group headed back to Amelia's house where they all sneaked into her room without making enough noise for her parents to have a reason to come out of their room.

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