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Maddy and Amelia were always the queen bees of the school. Every year on the first day of school they made sure they had epic outfits eventually that toned down since it seemed they always dressed up for school. When Amelia left it was up to Maddy and Cassie since the two were cheerleaders everyone's eyes were on them.

Amelia was never the girl to cheer; she tried it freshman year because Maddy basically forced her but eventually quit because that was just not her thing. While maddy cheered Amelia would hang out with me that's how we became closer. She would follow me around when u went around fez but she never really said anything she just stayed quiet and stood next to me.

Fez would ask me everyday before school if I was going to stop by to see him after school because he knew Amelia would be with me. Even if they didn't exchange words with each other he just liked seeing her every day other than in school. I never really noticed it until now.

"Okay so do I look good?" Amelia asked, twirling around showing Maddy her outfit, hair and makeup.

"Are you kidding? You look hot if I was Fez I would be on my knees right now" Maddy said putting some lipgloss on.

Amelia rolled her eyes at her comment. "Again, not about him"

"Keep telling yourself that"

Amelia didn't want to admit that she was actually dressing to impress because she thought that just sounded pathetic but it was kinda true. She never knew fez would actually acknowledge her he never did when she was around him back then when in reality he was just too shy to talk to her. It wasn't until recently the two started talking.

When the two girls were done getting ready they got into Amelia's car. They were driving to the store since Amelia had told fez she would stop by. Even if she didn't, Maddy was already feeling the stress of actually being in school and needed to buy something.

Amelia didn't know this but fez had been waiting all night for this. He never thought the girl would actually stop by in the morning just to show him her outfit so he was surprised when he saw her car pull up at the store.

"Here put some lipgloss on" maddy shoved her lip gloss on Amelia's face causing her to roll her eyes.

"I think I'm fine with what I have on," Amelia said, taking her purse and opening the door. Maddy just rolled her eyes and got out of the car too. The two walked over to the entrance while Maddy teased her with jokes. Far away it just looked like the two were just laughing over dumb stuff.

When they walked in Fez looked over to them. At first he thought it was some random girls like he'd been seeing all morning. He looked back up again and tried his best to keep cool.

"Hey how's it going"

"Ash in the back right?" Maddy asked, fez nodded and she walked away leaving the both there alone. At first it was awkward until fez decided to say something.

"You look good," he said, still looking at her. Amelia felt a million emotions just travel through her body. She quickly smiled which caused fez to smile proud that he'd made her smile.

"Thank you. Took about four arguments but still got it"

"That's like y'all thing right? Dressing up?" Fez said, implying to maddy.

"Yep" Amelia replied while she played with the tips of her fingers trying to calm down her nerves. "I'm having a party at my house Saturday if you want to come in pretty sure everyone will be there"

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