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"Until then I'll drink my coffee
Eat my pie
Pretend that we are more than friends
Then of course I'll let you break my heart again"


Amelia was going down hill but in a good way. Her life was a bit fucked up there first couple of weeks since the incident with her dad.

She would just go to school wearing whatever and let her grades slip which wasn't very usual for her since I've never seen Amelia do this bad.

At school she would talk to Lexi sometimes but not the way that she talked to maddy. Maddy had become her best friend again.

I don't know if the world was spinning back on its axis or Amelia just knew she would let herself go if she wasn't with maddy.

That's just how they worked if one of them was falling apart the other one was there to make sure they stayed together. And that's what they did.

It even made Amelia actually communicate with Nate sometimes which actually drove him to apologize to her seeing how hard she was actually struggling.

Amelia had been left alone with Nate at the lunch table which was the only contact she even had with him.

Maddy had stepped away to get something leaving Amelia there with him. She would usually go on her phone when this happened.

She acted like she had never met nate before which was easier than to just think about all the hatred she had towards him. She just thought that Nate Jacobs wasn't even a person or anything at all.

But that changed when he decided to open his mouth.

"Amy..." Nate called out in a low voice which made Amelia look up from her screen slowly, not even saying a word just allowing him to talk. "What I did before..."

"Wait, Nate Jacobs is actually apologizing..." Amelia paused and sat her phone down, actually interested in the conversation.

"And you just ruined it with your attitude. I thought you were all sad and stuff ''Nate mentioned making her roll her eyes. "Oh it's definitely going away your attitude is back don't worry you'll be back to yourself in no time"

"Whatever" Amelia sighed and picked her phone back up knowing the conversation wasn't going anywhere.

"I am sorry though...you've never done anything...I'm just sorry okay" Nate finally said, making Amelia scoff.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said, mind saying it again?" Amelia chuckled, setting her phone back down.

"I'm definitely not repeating that..."

Now it wasn't the best apology in the world but it was coming from Nate. What did we expect? It was genuine but not good enough. No apology would ever be good enough for what he did at all.

Another week passed by and Amelia kept doing the usual stuff. She didn't think much about fez anymore.

She hadn't seen him in weeks and tried to keep herself from reading their text unlike the first week where she just spent time reading them and seeing the pictures she had taken with him.

She told herself she needed to stop and move on because it was just going to make it worse. Which was progress for her.

Fezco would keep himself busy with the store or high. Alejandro had actually gone to apologize to Fez one day.

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