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"Even when the sky comes falling
Even when the sun don't shine
I got faith in you and I
So put your pretty little hand in mine"


Lexi had always been a quiet person. She was
always stuck behind her sister's shadow in other people's eyes but in reality she was her own person.

The only friend she'd ever felt like she could be herself around was me, that's only until Amelia came in the picture.

She never thought Amelia could understand her so well. If she was being honest she never thought Amelia would ever be her friend. In her head they were different —but only in a few things — which the one them was showing right now.

Lexi realized how Amelia was so straight up and always intervened when something bad was happening. Which she could never do. Amelia was an observer just like her but when it came to speaking up Lexi was different.

Lexi was still happy Amelia was her friend because he could talk to her about other things her other friends couldn't understand but no matter how close they were Lexi just couldn't bring herself to tell her everything she was too nervous about what Amelia would think.

Instead she made up scenarios in her head trying to think what Amelia would say which sometimes did build up enough courage for her to actually tell her stuff like the fact she was planning a play.

"So you're like directing the whole thing?" Amelia questioned while the two girls sat in the cafeteria sharing a container with grapes.

"Yeah basically" Lexi replied to her showing her part of the script that didn't have too much.

"I think it a cool idea literally I don't think I could ever put some shit like that together I don't have enough imagination"

"So, is it a good idea? Do you think they'll say yes to it?" Lexi continued to question.

"I mean why wouldn't they?"

"I just think that right now I'm like all excited about it but as soon as they say yes I'm going to freak out and think it's not good enough and I'll just want to like cancel it all..." Lexi rambled on while Amelia listened.

"Lex I read some of it and it was good I promise you'll be fine" Amelia reassured.

"Do you think anyone will even go or even audition?"

Amelia sighed and looked at her friend with a frown knowing she was doubting herself.

"You need to stop doing that instead think how many people will go and how many people will audition and if you need anyone I'll force a bunch of people to audition" Amelia smiled at her and Lexi smiled back.

"Thank you..."

"You know what I forgot to tell you? The other day nate's dad went to question us about who beat nate up but my sad ended up kicking him out but anyways that's why mw and maddy were mad at each other because Alex basically found out everything like literally everything"

Lexi paused and noticed how she knew something that not even her family knew. That's how much Amelia trusted her with stuff.

Lexi didn't know if she knew more than Maddy knew about Amelia but she did. Amelia didn't exactly tell maddy everything because she knew maddy wasn't the best at listening to some type of stuff.

Amelia continued to scroll through her phone while Lexi texted someone on her phone which her friend noticed. She noticed that there was something different about Lexi she carried herself differently like if there was someone adding to her confidence.

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