The Cold-Hearted Cheater! Pt 3

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So before the story continues i would like to add some context on what is happening in the story. So when Harry and Matthew were gaming it ended up leading to other things... That's all you really need to know ok enjoy the story!

Then disaster struck...

Ewan was at the door, just staring at Harry and Matthew in utter shock! They didn't know what to say this was probably the only time ewan was gonna find love and they ruined it! Matthew tried saying it was some kind of mistake but it was too late for that because just then Harry chose to play the betrayal card and started pushing Matthew off him and saying things like,
"Get off me!"
"What are you doing?!"
Luckily Ewan was stupid enough to believe Harry's lies and started defending him against Matthew who was still paralysed from the shock.

When they got back from Matthews house Ewan started comforting Harry about what just happened being completely clueless to the fact that he was the one dating Matthew not Harry but they had definitely had broken up by now. So after today's events they decided to not talk about it and go home. So Harry went back to his house and Ewan went back to his.

It was Monday morning everyone was getting ready for school everyone except Harry. He refused to get out of bed to face the challenges at school today. He didn't want to see Matthew or Ewans face today, he felt so guilty for what he did, he was friends with Ewan he couldn't do this to him. He felt like he would just melt away as soon as he saw him. He knew it wasn't best for him but it's what he thought was best for Ewan in the moment.

This went on for the whole week, his parents started worrying for him, asking him if he wanted anything to eat, still refusing as usual. He kept re-reading Ewans texts to him asking if he was okay, he started smiling at the messages seeing how Ewan was so worried for him. Maybe even blushing...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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