The Cold-Hearted Cheater! Pt 2

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Shoutout to lilyfire141,Flynn-Rider_5317,F1ynnwh0r3,dObByYYyyYy12345,bethg for enjoying and helping to make this story XD

So after they told Harry the plan he absolutely disagreed but then after further explanation he just barely agreed with them. Then after that day Harry was forever flirting with Matthew to try and grab his attention, and little by little he was. Matthew and Harry started hanging out more often then normal, so they all suspected the plan was starting work, so they all started asking Harry how it was and if it was uncomfortable for him, he replied
"It is horrible, I wish i said no". They all laughed.
They all thought it was funny the fact that they were all happy Ewan was getting a love life but now they're trying to destroy it.XD
So soon after they all decided to keep to the plan instead of leaving Ewan alone, they all said bye and went home since it was getting late. But the next day Harry got straight to work on trying to seduce Matthew to fall in love with him; he texted Matthew saying "Do you want to hang out?",
Matthew just seconds later replied "Sure!"
They both soon agreed to hang out in ten minutes which lets them both look nice for there 'date'.When Harry was getting ready he put on his best outfit with the best deodorant and the best of anything he had, where as if you look at Matthew he just puts on whatever was closest to him. Harry was seeing Matthew at the Town Centre where they went around the shops buying different stuff that was appealing to them.Little did Matthew know, Harry was watching wherever his eyes looked to see what his interests were. Soon it was as if Harry had known Matthew his whole life. After there fun little 'date' Harry was invited back to Matthews place (which obviously meant the plan was working!). When they got back to Matthews place Harry was shown about to feel more 'welcome'. Soon after the very quick tour around Matthews house they grabbed a few snacks and went to his room. They started chatting then soon chatting turned to games and they were having so much fun ; but then disaster struck...

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